BRICELYN LUTHERAN Transcription done by Diane Oldfather in 2002. ============================================ Bricelyn is a small town located in section 10 of Seeley Township. The cemetery is located about 1/2 mile West of Bricelyn. It is on the corner of Hwy 2 and 520th Ave ACEBEDO Homo Bono 1/13/96-3/22/1975 ALMLIE Iver L 1888-1958 C Marie 1891-1984 Harlan C 10/20/17-11/13/1943 ALNE Peter 1895-1977 Mayme 1894-1974 Nordean 5/1/19-10/30/1075 ANDERSON Andy T 10/20/32-10/26/1932 Ole K 1882-1962 Helen 1885-1962 Chester D 1887-1972 Hazel V 1898-1966 Iler S 1909-1999 Lillie O 1911-1998 Oscar M 1887-1964 Erick 1889-1971 Mabel 1893-1982 (last 3 buried with Johnson/Enerson/ Miller) E Arthur 1883-1967 Jennie A 1886-1980 Ingeried 12/22/96-9/20/1946 Martha 1821-1909 (grandmother) Edward 9/29/81-1/14/1913 Marie 4/30/57-6/15/1936 Ole L 2/6/50-5/27/1924 Erick O 1874-1945 August 1846-1929 Sophie 1850-1932 Clara 1883-1973 (last 3 buried with Sylvara) APPEL Anna (Torkelson) 1882-1955 ASMUS Harry A 1915-1997 Judith H.L. 1916- parents of: Kathryn, Mary grandparents of: Debra, Lori, Paul, William, Sarah BECKMAN Harold T 1921- Lucille O 1922-1992 BERKELAND Ole 1865-1949 Lizzie 1875-1974 George 1902-1991 Hilda 1903-1982 Goldie 1904-1995 Ole 1907-1971 Naoma 1906-1983 BERNARDS Mother 1894-1938 Father 1888-1953 BEYER Norman E 1937-1986 Freda M 1910-1992 BJERKE Ludvig K 1885-1969 Magda J 1882-1953 BOE Sophie 8/23/84-9/23/1910 BRINGE Martin N 8/10/02-6/15/1982 Nora S 1898-1980 Selma M 1895-1972 Julius N 1894-1969 Nels N 1867-1913 Betsy J 1862-1926 BURAN Julius A 1879-1949 Andrew T 1831-1922 Ellen S 1836-1922 BURKOW Viola (Leland) 1920-1951 CARLSON Rosella 1907-1993 Elmer 1901-1965 CHRISTENSEN Peter T 1/31/88-4/15/1973 Hilda C 1899-1889 Harold D 8/13/23-8/7/1982 Arlet L 8/16/28-4/30/1989 CHRISTOPHERSON Henry 1878-1958 Martha 1877-1956 CLEMENTSON Vernie K 1911- Muriel A 1911-1977 Jay Louis 1965-1970 COOPER Archie F 1896-1974 Edith M 1894-1994 DRAKE Roger L 1917- Arvilla B 1922- parents of: Verlie, Betti DYBLA Tarjer 1830-1916 ELLINGSON Edwin 1893-1938 Andrew D 1865-1915 Ellen 1870-1932 ELLIS Roger D 1919-1986 Lucile E 1915- EMERSON Alfred 1880-1945 ENERSON Edward 1861-1947 (buried with Miller/Johnson/ Anderson) ERDAHL Emil I 8/5/79-5/2/1949 Serina O 2/15/88-5/21/1961 Marvin P 1/9/12-10/22/1931 Carl G 12/19/05-8/18/1994 Pearl 3/26/05-6/16/1996 parents of: David C, Judith L Gustava 1881-1975 Iver J 1872-1941 Ingvald J 1902-1970 Dena J 1909- Dale R 3/25/33-10/31/1969 ERICKSON Stella M (Seltun) 1917-1993 Severt 6/24/94-8/5/1952 Mark A 2/26/56-3/26/1960 Raymond A 1908-1988 (buried with Seltun/Kingstrom) Mary 1874-1948 Erick O 1870-1947 T Oscar 1884-1934 Emma M 1888-1967 John H 1894-1966 Charles H 1882-1962 Harry G 12/29/89-11/21/1960 Amelia 1858-1942 Alfred 1856-1927 ESPELAND Clarence A 1914-1981 Berniece S 1917- married 11/23/1935 parents of: Norma, Carolyn, Darlene, Ronald, Gary FARUS Donald E 1926-1988 Beverly J 1926- FINK Orville C 7/9/00-1/11/1955 Charles 1868-1939 Kate 1870-1921 (buried with Herbert) FJERMESTAD Tom 1887-1959 FJETLAND Carl S 1884-1979 Julia G 1888-1966 FLO Johanna 1884-1935 Emil 1888-1958 Bertha 1897-1976 Leon Sanford 7/1/12-11/5/1997 Stella M 1919-1995 married 12/22/1947 parents of: Sylvia Louise Paul Richard 11/27/64-12/12/1964 (child of Donald/Signe) Donald 8/5/25-6/7/1988 Signe M 10/5/28- parents of: David, Steven, Paul Peter J 4/27/91-4/10/1986 Lydia B 9/11/97-12/1/1991 Burt T 1906-1980 Evelyn 1907-2000 Lawrence E 9/20/20-4/8/1955 FLOEN Abraham O 4/14/89-7/3/1935 FOSNESS Maria 2/28/62-3/4/1928 Lasse K 9/22/58-11/6/1949 Leonard M 12/6/03-6/5/1972 J.L. 1908-1972 Dorothy M 1909-1997 Melvin M 11/19/18-8/19/1943 Cleo M 1896-1957 Clarence M 1896-1954 FRANDLE Mabel C 1896-1983 Gehard O 1/8/96-9/23/1977 FREIDEL Floyd 4/27/33- Norma 7/31/36- parents of: Mitzi, Peggy, Cindy, Jeffrey FRERICHS Jacqueline J 1964-1980 Johnnie J 1934-1994 Thelma S 1936- parents of: John, Jodell, Jennifer, Jacqueline GESTIE Helmer H 1891-1963 Mabel G 1893-1971 GJERE Harry O 1900-1984 Helen C 1906-1989 parents of Rosella, LaVerne, Marlys GOETTE Frank 5/29/12-8/21/1940 Adeline 4/25/18-8/21/1940 Girl 11/20/1967 GOODNIGHT Charles Givens 7/25/31- Bergetta Marie (Ranes) 12/20/33- parents of: Brenda, Denise, Michael GRIES Reginald 6/17/48-6/21/1948 GRONFOR John 1882-1975 Nettie 1888-1969 GUDAHL Absalon 1884-1969 Clara L 1892-1962 GULLORD Ruth A 1894-1965 Ingvald M 1891-1955 Wayne D 9/14/39-4/15/2001 Helen J 7/29/40- married 10/4/1959 parents of: Jeff, Jason, Joan, Janie Donald 1913-1971 Evelyn 1917- Ward 1912-1970 Ethel 1916- Kenneth 10/11/13-10/12/1913 Earl 12/22/16-9/27/1920 Helen N 1919-1975 Theodore 1878-1961 Regina J 1890-1969 HAGEN Brandon William 5/3/95-5/9/1995 Myrtle C 1913- Helmer J 1907-1963 HALVORSON Theodore 1867-1934 Gertena 1882-1972 Alfred T 1909-1970 Agnes 1906- HAMSON Caroline S 3/14/73-7/20/1965 Oscar SR 9/14/72-2/6/1948 Pearl Maxine 1944 (7 months) Darwin Lee 1945 (3 days) Joy Gladys 1903-1983 Oscar E JR 1897-1985 married 9/24/1932 parents of: Ernest, Betty, Bessie, MaryAnn, Gerald, Glen Bert S 2/22/009-10/6/1985 Luella J 2/9/08-5/22/1986 Hilda 8/23/04-9/15/1991 Frank 2/18/04-9/2/1982 Henry 1915-1973 Linda 1921- Harvey B 1899-1978 Kate M 1906-1962 Howard A 1927- Renetta A 1932- parents of: Jackie, Howard, Lori, Kari, Maria, Tony August L 10/9/10- Ruth J 10/24/11-4/26/1998 parents of: LeeAnn, Roger, Catherine, Sharyl, Paul, Rich HANSEN Jens P 1859-1934 Engeborg 1854-1933 Northrup 1887-1945 HANSON Martin 1853-1938 Gunhilda 1953-1944 Christian M 1876-1948 Malinda C 1879-1974 Inger Marie 2/1/80-3/10/1908 Ole M 1875-1946 Adelbert T Tyrus 4/14/91-11/28/1903 (last 1 child of OM-Inger) John W 11/27/97-9/28/1981 Grace C 1895-1965 Harald 1879-1960 Marie I 1883-1971 Harald 1936-1937 (grandson) Melvin Jens 9/25/1946 (child of Rolef/Evelyn) Melvin B 1886-1944 Geonora A 1891-1975 Manda B 1895-1969 Henry M 1888-1964 HAUGLAND Gehard J 1886-1957 Gertie S 1903-1969 (buried with Sawick) HAUKOOS Sarah Lynn 8/24/73-4/26/1996 HELGELAND Norman 1918-1999 Gilma 1917- HENNING Earl 12/22/17-7/19/1997 Arlene 9/14/22- parents of: Karyl, Mary, Lynda, Tom, Jeff HERBERT Edward H 7/16/74-4/24/1957 (buried with Fink) HIGHLAND Selma B 1/30/00-6/24/1973 Elihu G 9/10/95-12/31/1970 HINTZ Raymond O 1904-1982 Adelaide T 1905-1994 married 11/30/1927 parents of: Wesley, Mark HUGHES Iva Burnice 2/25/19-11/5/1984 James W 2/5/15-6/13/1965 HUNT Sharon (Seltun) 1942- Robert C 1924-2001 married 2/27/1985 mother of: Troy, Tracy father of: Larry, Kathy, Bobby, Dan HUTSON Armon L 1922- Esther A 1921- JACOBSON Jerome P 6/19/37-8/12/1966 Christine 1909-1992 Clifford 1909-1970 Selmer M 1902-1979 Florence L 1908-1979 Gerald A 2/25/23-9/24/1988 Rosella E 5/8/24- parents of: Gelene, Alton, Paul, Ann Ronald E 6/22/26-9/13/1989 Delores 1927- parents of: Kent, Douglas, Gary JAHNKE Vernon L 1914- Marion J 1914- Sharon Marie 1939-1956 JENSON Serena M 1920-1982 JOHNSON Olive R 1902-1996 Ottis G 1899-1963 Richard A 9/3/28-10/27/1982 Darlene M 9/3/33- parents of: Pamela, Julie, Kari Christina 1874-1956 Elias G 1873-1943 Ronald 1937-1939 Baby 2/16/1941 Arthur S 3/22/12-12/1/2000 Waile A 9/2/15-7/27/1984 Alfred A 5/11/83-2/2/1952 Mary 9/8/81-10/3/1974 Severt A 8/11/68-3/4/1925 Anna B 1/2/71-2/19/1953 Nora 1894-1979 Christ M 1893-1958 Leland 12/1/1914 Ole A.S. 1881-1967 Emma H 1884-1968 Stenus 1838-1926 Martha 1843-1932 (last 4 buried with Overlie) John A 7/5/78-3/10/1932 (last 1 buried with Thompson) Ola 1854-1941 Lars 1846-1936 Lee 11/21/44- Sharyl 7/19/46- parents of: Shane, Bradley, Allison Bradley 3/5/70-9/7/1994 Clarence C 2/23/18- Lillian B 12/6/18- parents of: Vivian, Mary Harn E 8/26/55-4/25/1976 Elwood M 1920-1979 Audrey A 1921-1973 Pearl I 1918- Merrill J 1916-1959 Marie H 1890-1985 William O 1892-1956 Anna 1879-1975 wife of Ludvig (buried with Anderson/Enerson/Miller) Alfred M 1882-1950 Anna M 1881-1970 Glen 1897-1964 Marian 1897-1995 John H 12/15/82-11/1/1944 Emma E 8/4/93-8/4/1968 Martin 1892-1956 Josephine 1897-1971 Merlyn J 1927-1977 Julius 1888-1956 Anna B 1887-1980 John S 1/4/72-7/8/1923 Helma J 4/1/84-6/25/1927 Mabel S 4/18/21-10/6/1977 Sidney O 10/11/15-9/17/1991 Gerald L 1921-1976 Vivian 1925- married 7/31/1943 parents of: Lee, Francine, Janet, Marilyn JOY Bonnie E 1926-1969 KAEHLER Glenn J 1916- Millie E 1916- parents of: Dave, Judy, Danny KIIHN Gustave A 1911-1992 Selma G 1915- Gustave C 8/30/66-5/31/1946 Anna E 6/5/18-1/13/1941 Henry G 10/26/01-11/29/1974 Clarence W 1905-1987 Dessie A 1903- Edward C 1896-1974 Hannah 1900-1998 KINGSTROM Boy 3/1/1951 (buried with Erickson/Seltun) John W 1919- Alpha S 1921- parents of: Richard, Judith, Lois, Donna, Charles, Boy KLINGBEIL Silas G 1898-1993 Hulda I 1906- KNUTSON Elmer 8/20/04-10/10/1980 Virginia 12/12/14-3/3/2000 KORTES Sulo J 9/15/11-9/22/1984 Mildred J 6/5/14-9/9/1972 Jon Roger 11/2/58-10/19/1960 KRANZ William 1894-1985 Emma 1894-1978 KVELLAND Ben 1866-1948 Ole O 1840-1905 Randi 1840-1923 Andrew 1881-1966 Carl G 1876-1956 John 1873-1953 Annette 1881-1974 LARSON Jens 4/20/62-11/10/1906 Gerald L 1902-1986 Helen C 1904-1995 Gunnar W 1887-1956 Mary 8/10/37-11/15/1916 wife of S LAITE Leonard H 11/19/10-12/4/1972 Genevieve M 9/18/54-4/21/1991 LECKNES Ingvard 1870-1932 Marie 1875-1967 Egil C 10/7/02-10/17/1997 LEE Arne H 2/29/08-4/20/1984 LEGVOLD Hazel 1908-1979 Oscar 1905-1979 Nilla G 1879-1955 Henry O 1878-1971 Reuben 1910-1994 Muriel 1910-1980 LELAND Olga Clarine 1921-1986 Arnold J 1916-1948 Minnie C 1893-1986 Gustave M 1889-1962 Orlando 1/16/09-3/2/2001 Allan C 11/2/17-7/13/1971 John 1873-1962 Josephine M 1883-1979 Edgar M 1911-1982 Erma M 1920- Gerald W 12/22/24- Adeline E 9/8/23- Irving A 1902-1998 Genevieve L 1907-1996 Hobert 1900-1964 Eva 1901-1966 Gene 11/4/27- Jacqueline 5/17/28-6/4/2000 parents of: Craig, Denise, Cory Leon B 1904-1968 Alice M 1901-1971 LEWIS Ellen J 1910-1914 Tena 6/21/83-12/6/1971 Gilford E 4/14/79-1/12/1953 LIEN Elizabeth O 1911-1981 Theodore O 9/26/08-4/19/1972 LINDEMAN Arthur C 1893-1967 Marie B 1893-1983 Manville F 1897-1985 Eleanor F 1900-1991 (buried with Olson) Mary L 1868-1934 Ernst R 1865-1931 LINDOS Selma J 1888-1973 John O 1887-1966 LOEN Emanuel 5/31/92-12/27/1919 Martina 5/1/71-3/4/1954 John S 12/20/70-10/29/1935 Andrew 4/22/65-5/10/1953 (buried with Odden) LURA Wayne Rienert 1954-1972 Andrew 1904-1994 Eagine 1898-1990 Ragnhild 1879-1969 Reinert C 1865-1938 Leon 1909-1993 Beatrice 1911- MARCUS Donovan C 12/25/33-1/18/1997 Ruth S 12/29/33- parents of: Rebecca, Michael, Mary, Suzanne, Paul, Ruth, Matthew George C 1896-1950 Tena O 1895-1996 MARTIN Otis 1873-1925 Lena 1876-1928 MATHIASON Pear (Severson) 1905-1968 (buried with Severson) MEYER Ernest W 3/9/85-3/19/1941 Aletha H 2/26/95-4/9/1976 MIDTHO Andrew E 1893-1978 Merina G 1896-1972 MIDTHUN Pauline (Leknes) 1904-1925 Palmer 1925- Vivian I (Hanson) 1926- married 12/28/1946 parents of: Paul, Pamela MILLER Tillie (Anderson) 1899-1987 Peter J 1883-1973 (buried with Enerson/Johnson/ Anderson) MOLSKNESS Gerald L 9/7/43- Sandra Anne 5/24/45-12/7/1974 MONDAHL Johanna 1859-1950 Nels 1861-1930 MONSON Mons H 1888-1970 S Elvina 1892-1979 MORK Evon M 1929- Kenneth N 1928-1992 parents of: Karen, Randy, Jeffrey, Joyce Raymond O 4/30/15-2/8/1993 Mildred L 1916- parents of: Paul R, Robert J John S 11/24/88-2/8/1978 Minnie A 1/31/89-2/13/1971 Malvin G 4/6/93-2/14/1932 Amanda B 1/3/93-1/12/1969 MORRIS Ellis T 11/26/15-11/8/1982 LaVaun M 5/8/20- married 11/21/1940 parents of: Ronald, Richard NELSON Alfy B 1898-1986 Sever A 1906-1993 NIELSON Viggo 1884-1934 Hanrik 1851-1930 Johanne 1856-1932 NIGMA Nicola E 1863-1913 ODDEN Martin 3/25/78-12/20/1944 Dora A 11/1/75-3/27/1963 Torger S 9/19/78-10/16/1928 (buried with Loen) OLSON Mikkel T 6/3/47-2/8/1986 (buried with Lindeman) Robert M 7/6/26-7/24/1968 Cecil 9/25/42-8/13/1995 Cecil R 6/4/14- Burnette 4/29/17- parents of: Cecil, Burt Anna 10/25/54-1/9/1928 Swan 9/24/53-10/7/1918 Fern E 4/9/03-12/9/1903 (last 1 child of OD-L) Ole 1865-1938 Lettie 1866-1951 Mona June 1916-1923 Cora E 1882-1964 Mathias A 1873-1935 Franklin L 1/31/27-1/9/1998 Iola M 1/15/28- married 11/5/1949 parents of: Daniel, David Albert M 1895-1949 Emma 1894-1944 Arnold Donald 10/27/22-6/14/1944 Andrew L 1888-1957 Regina M 1893-1974 Ivan 1912-1992 Arlet 1918-1981 married 2/8/1941 Anton S 1885-1954 Pearl 1907-1997 Sylvia 1889-1964 Ole 1890-1964 Ingeborg 1878-1960 Ole L 1880-1973 OPPEDAL Johan A 1880-1945 Nora E 1886-1958 OREN Anna O 1859-1936 Ove O 1860-1934 OSWALD Mary 9/17/60-1/3/1923 Martin 7/8/61-2/6/1920 OVERLIE Mary 6/1/78-12/11/1912 Floyd S 10/6/12-8/17/1913 (buried with Johnson) Gene Clifton 1935-1938 Clifford J 8/23/03-7/15/1968 OVREBO Lars 1873-1960 Selma 1880-1956 Silas L 5/30/18-4/1/1971 Henry Norman 10/24/07-9/21/1976 Joseph Arnold 10/27/04-10/25/1981 Arthur K 2/19/16-8/7/1992 Orvis M 12/1/20-1/2/1993 Grace A 5/12/31- married 10/24/1953 parents of: Greg, Debby, Dan, Jeff, Jon PETERSON Arthur T 2/13/06-6/2/1989 John B 1873-1967 Caroline 1879-1965 Ruth Mabel 5/15/04-1/7/1932 Rudolph O 1911- Helen M 1917-1983 parents of: Randal 1946-1990 Dana 1949- Warren 1950- Oscar C 1952- Gary D 12/26/42-10/4/1972 Linda Ann 1947-1956 (last 1 child of Clifford/Mabel) Mildred J 1917- Clifford J 10/27/13-4/18/1969 Ruth D 1922-1999 William A 1909- parents of: Neal, Gwen PRESCOTT David Lee 7/12/40-2/4/1946 RAMSE Josephine S 1913-1997 Lester J 1911-1995 Myrtle S 1906-1990 Everette G 1914-1976 RANES Ole S 1896-1976 Selma 1908-1997 RASMUSSEN Chris 1883-1948 Mary 1885-1977 REEVES Roy J 1899-1974 Elsie M 1903- married 6/16/1920 RENDALL Kenneth D 7/25/25-1/20/1995 Ruth M 8/25/26-12/22/2000 married 12/7/1947 parents of: Rhonda, Julie, Tim RISIUS David Paul 7/24/57-7/28/1957 Harry F 1921- Evelyn A 1924- parents of: John, Pamela, David, Jeanne ROGNEHAUGH Nels 1896-1990 Ruth 1901-1981 married 6/1/1920 RUSTAD Anne H.T. 1856-1913 SABO Carl K 1870-1897 Bernard K 1904-1964 Laura C 1910-1974 SAHR Raymond L 1917- Alice F 1926- Oakley R 1918-2001 Christine B 1918-2001 married 5/18/1940 parents of: Elwood, Lois, Aldean William J 7/2/86-2/17/1965 Theonora A 2/8/85-4/26/1942 SAMDAL Hans 1903-1977 Olive B.J. 1912- SAMPSON Baby 1949 Oscar L 2/10/94-12/19/1978 Gay 1885-1952 Ann 1885-1974 SATRE Inez Amanda 12/25/1919 Alma Sophia 1/14/98-8/31/1943 Hans H 4/12/86-7/8/1956 SAWICK Ellen B 1879-1954 Otto O 1868-1954 Ruth 1923-1925 (buried with Haugland) SCHOW Merlin LeRoy 9/28/28-5/21/2001 Albert E 1880-1945 A Sophie 1889-1959 Edna L 1902-1987 Henry A 1886-1955 SCOTTY Orville 1909-1934 Clarence 1912-1974 SELTUN Alpha T 1899-1921 Edward O 1/8/86-11/15/1930 Oscar B 10/15/89-9/12/1921 Britha 7/12/50-3/4/1938 Ole A 10/28/58-3/19/1924 (buried with Erickson/Kingstrom) Henry 1881-1926 Julia Anna 1881-1919 Olava 1891-1971 Theodore 1891-1931 Edna H 1918-1993 (sister) Carl C 1/16/93-12/14/1972 Esther L 1904-1972 SENS Harold C 1910-1986 Dona L 1922- parents of: Nancy, Charles, Thomas, Virginia SEVERSON Lena 3/23/82-7/12/1970 Nora (Ferdinandson) 9/16/01-2/15/1977 I Myron 1903-1956 (buried with Mathiason) SHIRK Bruce 1908-1970 Alice 1910-2000 Merle H 11/11/13-5/17/1991 Geneva 8/25/17-7/22/1997 parents of: Lorna, Kathryn, Karen SORBO Aldean M 7/18/31-7/9/1978 Carl G 8/6/92-12/7/1938 Amanda E 4/19/93-4/3/1983 SPIELMAN Raymond G 2/8/11-4/12/1985 SPONBERG Herman L 1880-1967 Nannie C 1882-1958 STARBUCK Bertina 1885-1981 William A MD 1881-1944 STARZYNSKI Jeffrey David 12/3/82-1/5/1984 (son of Daniel/Mary) STENSLAND Gary 1/8/61-8/2/1963 (son of Robert/Mary) SUNDE Ole 1879-1969 Gertie 1883-1988 SYLVARA Charles 1914-1992 LaVonne A parents of: Bruce, Girl, Daren, Kurt, Lisa Girl 1/6/1944 (buried with Anderson) THOMPSON Samuel 1861-1936 Christina 1863-1947 (buried with Johnson) Selmer S 1899-1994 Milda H 1899-1985 Matt O 7/18/03-8/30/1955 Tene 1869-1950 Sam M 1865-1950 Joseph 1880-1952 Julia 1886-1974 Fred M 1880-1853 Helen 1883-1960 Dorothy M 1906-1979 Floyd H 1918-1981 Jeanette G 1920- married 6/27/1942 parents of: Charles, Gloria THORSON LaVerne E 5/17/36-5/7/1979 Judy L 1940- TORKELSON Gerhard T 10/8/89-11/3/1960 Lewis T 1880-1948 Bertha 1850-1919 Oscar A 1887-1957 Andrew 1832-1911 Emil T 1884-1904 Tobias 1878-1950 Lydia 1883-1973 Baby 1921 Phyllis B 1922-1930 TYSVER Marian 1890-1983 Erik M 1880-1957 James 8/28/51-8/30/1951 Elmer 9/4/23- Pauline 12/5/27-10/11/2001 parents of: Cindy/Paul ULSTAD Orville B 1904-1986 Marie C 1900-2001 VANHORN Lee K 1898-1980 Arlet C 1907- married 7/16/1925 VEE Everett O 1909-1995 Marjorie K 1924- parents of: Dick, Dennis Omer O 3/14/22-5/7/1999 Ruth E 1923- parents of: Jane, Joyce, John VENNE Arthur 1/8/22- Orpha 5/18/20- parents of: Thomas, Michele, Sharon, David, Kristen WALKER Palmer L 1921- Genevieve G 1921-1998 Eilert H 12/5/89-10/13/1952 WESSELS John 8/26/17-12/24/1993 WESTERLUND Stanley E 1909-1994 Blanche M 1911-2001 Lawrence 1906-1976 Ella 1905-1978 Merrill I 11/13/07-6/25/1968 Noel Stanley 1952-1954 (child of Stanley/Blanche) L.P. 1884-1957 Mayme 1885-1980 WILLIAMS Earl H 3/15/17-4/20/1998 Marion J 1/5/17- parents of Jill/Nancy ZUPP Harold 1899-1960