RIVERVIEW CEMETERY (A-K) Transcription done by Diane Oldfather in 2003. ============================================ The cemetery is in Section 32 of Elmore Township. Take Cty Rd 9 West of Elmore for about a mile. It is in a grove of trees on the right side of the road. On the very West edge of the cemetery is a solitary grave, saying "Unknown Woman, died 1915" Someone, possibly the city, has placed an urn of flowers there. In the middle there is also a mausoleum, with all the origional doors and windows. I was able to look into the doors and read what the casket covers said on them. AAMODT O.H. 1873-1957 (death records say Ole H) Thea 1867-1925 Orva Jeanette 1/8/09-9/8/1997 Arnold M 1/22/04-10/3/1977 Rachel 1887-1981 ABBOTT Helen Joyce d 5/29/1914 (3 day) (child of HE-LM) (buried with Naumann/Bramhall) ADAMS Linda J 10/15/46- Dennis D 10/7/44- ALMY Lula 1882-1914 ANDERSEN Carrie 1833-1910 Hans J 1838-1919 Anna K 3/1/39-3/1/1930 Bernt 8/27/44-12/31/1917 ANDERSON Twin Girls 6/8/1915 (Carl J-Annie Alexander S 5/30/38-7/28/1907 Nellie 12/16/74-2/16/1888 (last 2 buried with Broat) Edith C 1917-1991 Howard M 1905-1989 John A 1854-1936 Anna C 1860-1925 Florence J 1894-1979 Charles J 1887-1979 (last 4 buried with Mellin/Little/Hall) Eldon 1945-1948 Harriet G 1913- Elmer M 1912- Clarice M (no dates) Myrl K (no dates) Josephine 1881-1968 Christ C 1875-1954 (last 4 buried with Berhow) Kim Jon 1954-1967 Susan M 1948-1951 (children of Ole-Florence) Monte Blake 4/30/60-5/25/1960 (son of Kenneth-Janice) Florence D 1916-1967 Ole A 1909-1967 married 1/19/1936 Sidney 8/18/07-10/31/1982 Tracy J 1897-197? (stone chipped) Terry 1952-1991 Christina 1870-1945 A.K. 1867-1953 (last 2 buried with Sauder) Esebelle 11/2/49-7/12/1936 Andrew V 10/4/46-8/31/1915 Erie G 1889-1959 Sarah R 1880-1963 Gust A 1869-1931 Sarah 1877-1950 Albert W 1873-1955 Velda M 10/10/08-9/10/1919 (child of MJ-M) Linda 1881-1952 Martin J 1871-1942 ANNING Theron S 1892-1916 Mary 1870-1957 Peter 1864-1946 APP Carolyn K (Wells) 1942-1976 mother of: Scott, Dale (buried with Wells) ARNOLD Robert C 1/10/68-5/22/1901 Climma A 1863-1924 Charles H 1860-1933 AVERY Matilda W (Long) 1849-1900 (buried with Long) BAILEY Eliza Ann 1/18/70-11/1/1956 Dwight D 6/19/78-2/25/1899 (son of Wealthy B) Marie 4/7/04-5/31/1944 Fordyce H 8/15/91-7/2/1937 BALDWIN William d 4/24/1902 (70 yr, 1 mo, 21 day) Roxana 1838-1918 David Floyd 12/29/95-9/9/1957 Francis L 7/29/94-9/15/1908 (child of DF-M) Mary 1878-1960 D Frank 1869-1939 Lavila Mae 1910-1932 (last 1 buried with Cahoon) BANKER George 5/10/61-12/10/1924 Sarah 12/25/61-8/13/1944 Minnie Ida 12/31/89-3/30/1976 Sam N 4/30/91-4/19/1974 married 9/20/1916 BAUM Robert Carl 8/23/38-2/14/1961 Audrey L 1915-1972 Glendon E 1915-1983 Emilie 3/1/44-5/2/1905 Ferdinand A 1840-1930 BAY Elma I (Campbell) 1862-1927 Mary (Campbell) 7/15/33-8/10/1923 BECK John M 6/7/80-10/1/1967 Mabel Inez 9/28/83-4/24/1959 Lyle D 12/2/03-8/13/1998 Olga 3/27/99-2/5/1989 Bonna Belle 12/30/27-1/2/1928 (buried with Osteboe) Margaret Ann 1924-1931 (last 1 buried with Shelby) BECKWORTH Clara Otillie 1890-1978 Maynard 1890-1951 Myrna Irene 8/3/02-12/26/1917 (buried with Wiese) BEENKEN Betty J (no dates) Vernon S 2/9/27-9/5/1991 parents of: Judy, Bruce, Sue BELLECOURT Tracy Ann 5/6/85-11/14/1985 BENSCHOTER Bessie A (Kessler) 1/28/03-9/20/1994 BERG Edna J 1914-1974 Gehard Thomas 1912-1995 Thelma 1920-1996 (child of Thomas-Julia) Thomas 1884-1962 Julia 1886-1940 Hansine Karoline 1901-1984 Iona M 1927- Milford W 1925-1999 parents of: Judy, Derald, Joyce BERGLUND Lydia A 1885-1944 Walter O 1881-1965 BERGSETH Sarah 4/6/84-8/19/1901 Seming 12/6/46-4/11/1901 Simon 10/2/81-7/6/1901 Sam Julius 9/17/94-1/24/1918 (buried with Schow) BERGSMITH Melva 1898-1899 BERHOW Mickey Carleton 2/6/45-12/26/1949 (buried with Anderson) BINDEL Grace W (Richardson) 1901-1973 (buried with Richardson) BLANK Lydia M 1897-1957 Jacob J 1880-1954 (buried with Krampe) BLASKE Nettie (Reifsteck) 1892-1984 Mike 1883-1945 (buried with Huber) BLOMQUIST Mabel 1898-1986 Leonard 1897-1968 BLONDIN Katherine 9/15/58-5/5/1912 Agnes Clara 1886-1987 Frank E 1884-1966 Frank 5/4/42-7/15/1894 Harry D 1908-1937 Lorraine Mary 1912-1980 Rolland J 1/31/21-5/8/1992 Phyllis Lorene 3/2/13-9/22/1997 Floren B'ship 1/25/10-5/22/1973 (buried with Deal) BLONG Iva E (Stolte) 3/29/94-10/19/1918 (buried with Stolte) BOETTCHER Erwin F 7/30/09-10/31/1987 Augusta E 1881-1956 Frank H 1883-1940 Cora M (Halvorson) 1907-2001 Clarence Gustav 1908-1988 Leah 1914- Emil 1898-1943 Christene (Nelson) 1871-1938 Friedrick A 1860-1939 BOSTROM Emmanual 1839-1915 (uncle) Nellie 1856-1905 (aunt) BRACKE Lowis J 1868-1937 BRADLEY Lydia (Campbell) 1876-1951 (buried with Campbell/Woolery) BRAMHALL Vera I 1894-1987 (buried with Naumann/Abbott) BRANDT Arlo A 7/28/39-3/18/1984 BRASS Fritz 1922-1970 Arlin Dale 3/15/51-3/6/1999 BREITENFELD Helen P 1892-1967 Alfred A 1888-1959 Lillian E (Thompson) 1918-2001 Arnold E 1914-1983 Terry W 1939- BRIGGS Mildred 1896-1901 (child of HL-SM) Julius 1855-1937 Isabel 1857-1932 BROAT Lula 8/25/72-5/18/1901 (wife of Albert) (buried with Anderson) BROCKER Amelia 5/17/69-5/26/1917 Emil 11/24/62-12/7/1927 (buried with Stenzel/Witthuhn) BROWN Luchius E 1868-1918 Inez R 1891-1918 BUNWORTH Mary 1845-1927 J.C. (no dates) (Co C-ST NY LA) (buried with Hall) BURNS Margret Maria d 10/18/1898 (16 yr, 10 mo, 26 day) BUSCH Lonney Allan 6/18/57-7/8/1963 Delores Ann 1931-1994 Allan 1929- married 10/27/1951 parents of: Rick, Lonney, Kaylyn, Scott O Lorrane 8/9/22-7/8/1987 Merville 4/25/20-3/25/2000 parents of: Marcia, Randle BUTLER Harold B 1932-1948 Tressa Loretta (Miller) 9/6/12-1/15/1998 Floyd Burton 2/7/13-2/11/1994 parents of: Harold, Richard, Lorraine, Janis, Donna, Joyce Clara M 1912- Mark E 1945- Irene W 1908-1964 E.J. 1905-1972 BUTTERWORTH Klare T (Klein-McCormic)1890-1970 Oscar E 1866-1934 CAHOON Edward B 1910- Mary 1890-1967 Byron 1875-1956 Ivah M 1889-1978 George M 1887-1961 Lena E d 5/8/1891 (1 mo, 11 day) Mary E 1861-1946 Samuel N 4/12/34-10/18/1908 Ira S 1913-1932 Raymond L 1/31/21-12/13/1972 Mary Jane d 5/10/1881 (42 yr, 2 mo, 26 day) (wife of SN) (last 8 buried with Baldwin) Delia H 1863-1923 Edward C 1859-1930 (last 2 buried with Steuer) CAMPBELL Harriet E 1851-1945 Warren C 1845-1923 (buried with Woolery/Bradley) CARLSON Etta J (Pugsley) 1873-1927 Edna May d 7/29/1898 (child of CG-EJ) (buried with Pugsley) CASTLE Lillian 1890-1983 CHAMBERLAIN Ernestine Mildred (Swadley) 7/8/14-11/15/1984 Harold Russell 4/9/14-11/22/1984 CLARK Wilma G 1894-1964 John H 1891-1963 Ethol E 1896-1944 Samuel 1892-1975 Pearl Edna 1912-1992 Murrell 1902-1976 parents of: Evelyn, Shirley, Clayton COLE Pearl L 1894-1896 M. 12/24/67-6/7/1907 (buried with Lawrence) COLLISON Clara Olga 8/18/08-7/5/1909 (child of GW-LM) George W 1867-1914 Charlotte M 1868-1954 Charles C 1904-1932 (buried with Kuss/Schulte) Anna 1870-1911 Ben 1909-1929 G Violette (Zentz) 1898-1970 Robert C 1897-1944 Corinda J (Curtis) 3/11/11-11/25/1992 mother of: Keith, LaFaye, Lynette (death records show wife of Harold-died 1952) (last 1 buried with Curtis) Harold E 11/27/97-3/1/1953 Elsie 1892-1974 Cecil L 1888-1937 Vern L 1910-1937 Dean LeRoy 6/27/30-1/23/1988 (last 5 buried with Garman/Ziegler/ McCasland) COOAN Baby (no dates) Bernette (no dates) (both children of W-E) Vera d 1/4/1918 (9 day) Hazel (More) 5/14/23- William J 4/18/21-6/26/1994 (last 2 buried with More) Thelma 1919- Alfred 1915- married 12/19/1941 parents of: Ronnie, Rick, Randy Randall Lee 1954-1997 father of: Nadia, Nicholas CORHUS Bertha 1891-1962 Louis 1883-1957 Peter 11/26/74-9/15/1960 CORR Jesse C 1/16/89-5/15/1893 Sanford P 4/2/54-3/25/1893 COUPANGER Oscar A 1892-1915 Mathilda 1890-1978 (daughter) Jennie A 1888-1934 (daughter) Anna M 1861-1937 Jens 1851-1926 Mildred E 1905- William A 1904-1978 CRAIN Lucy (Low) 1851-1892 CROWELL Robert 1/10/1946 Hazel E 1908-1950 Roger 1910-1979 Florence (Stevens) 1906-2000 CUNNINGHAM Alice M 1882-1963 Clarence G 1879-1977 CUPPERNOLL Harvey J 1843-1934 Belle 1853-1926 Enos C 2/2/55-7/18/1936 Sarah 6/4/60-12/20/1944 Percy 11/17/00-6/9/1942 Donald L 4/12/25-5/4/1925 (son of PL-N) Harriet C d 10/27/1866 (18 yr) (child of J-E) John d 8/8/1893 (79 yr, 1 mo, 26 day) Betsy d 10/18/1889 (73 yr) (last 7 buried with Kurth) Tillie 12/19/81-12/16/1945 Ephraim 12/29/78-1/21/1952 CURTIS Lowery Albert 3/22/07-10/1/1984 Albert L 8/14/79-11/12/1910 Della C 2/25/85-3/4/1961 Keith Clayton 5/7/34-7/22/1998 Herbert E 1908-1937 (buried with Collison) CURTISS Jennie Catholean 1896-1998 Raymond E 6/20/91-2/24/1978 DAHL Stella (Ullestad) (no dates) Thomas Edward (no dates) married 8/6/1949 parents of: Deanna Jo, Mark Thomas Ruth Cora 1913-1987 Palmer Conrad 1917-1982 Valgjerd 1885-1979 Thomas 1879-1966 Lucille 1916- Casper 1915-1978 DANNENBERG Ernestine 10/17/60-8/22/1912 William 2/6/69-8/22/1938 DASHOW Phillip Max 1/23/18-3/13/1999 DE NEUI Norvina J 1923- Allie B 1918-1973 DEAL Melva M 1906-1971 (daughter) (buried with Blondin) DOBSON Lilah A (Krampe) 1909-1979 Orville Henry 1907-1984 (buried with Owen/Jasna/ Krampe) Freeman James d 12/12/1936 (US Army) Olufine (Hendrickson) 1895-1974 Hallet Lester 1906- (last 3 buried with Soma) DOLLIVER Annie G 7/7/59-8/29/1893 (wife of GE) DOMINGUEZ Olga (Ferch) 10/29/15-6/14/1981 (buried with Ferch/McCormick) DRAY Lorene 1924- Daird 1921- parents of: Mark, Timothy, Elizabeth DUTTON Elsie B 1927-1930 Olive M 1895-1929 Walter J 1895-1973 Alta E (Persig- Boettcher) 1906-1980 EDGINTON Alma (Zufall) 1908-1931 (buried with Zufall/Sullivant) EGESDAL Bertha 1882-1964 Beatrice L 1/4/15-7/19/1915 Lars 1876-1957 Laura 1913- Earl 1908-1975 parents of: Sanford, Karen, Elden, Miriam Zella M 1916- Carlin L 1912-1979 EGGLESTON Nell 1888-1957 Homer 1885-1966 Hilda A 1910-1997 Jens O 1907-1998 Mary 1855-1918 Ruluf J 1847-1923 EHRICH Emma A 1886-1962 Louis W 1882-1957 Lilly Clara 1900-1998 John H 1906-1965 married 2/14/1928 Leonard C 1902-1969 EICHHORN Bertha Lovena 1907-1992 Earl L 1902-1982 John H 7/7/34-8/26/1970 Margaret 1907-1985 Ray 1907-2001 Son 1930 Sanford C 1897-1918 (MG Co-18th Inf-1st Div) (died in France) Eva M 1911-1922 Lolo Belle 1878-1971 Cornelius L 1871-1952 (buried with Jenkins) EKLEBERRY Verna Maxine 11/13/19-1/21/2000 Wilford R 7/13/16-11/19/1977 C Leonard 1903-1969 Olive J 1881-1974 Rodney J 1878-1950 ELWOOD Marlis 10/19/44-4/11/2003 Carrol L 7/2/38- married 6/1/1963 EMERSON Robert 3/20/53-6/22/1933 Mary 1/18/52-7/28/1923 W Leslie 8/31/92-2/15/1977 Mildred M 4/20/01-7/19/1966 Lottie (Campbell) 1890-1974 Lynn Arthur 1890-1985 Bobie d 4/18/1921 (15 day) (child of EM-MS) (buried with Smith) Millicent S (Ward) 1893-1980 Edward M 12/10/93-11/28/1962 Harry W 1864-1934 Alice (Petters) 1891-1978 (last 1 buried with Petters/Schroeter) Eugene N 8/14/22-2/22/1956 Bradley R 10/7/48-9/2/1968 ENGE Claire M 2/25/92-7/8/1940 Elmer 8/22/89-12/4/1918 Sam 10/23/95-7/13/1920 Elizabeth 1862-1932 Ole C 1860-1924 ENGEDAL Tobias L 11/27/97-1/29/1919 ENGELBY Allen 1957-1976 Virginia 1925-1992 Kingsley 1917-1992 Betty 1932-1983 Carlos A 9/18/29-4/8/1980 Vanetta D 1908-2000 Cliften 1907-1981 ENNEN Alice Bertha 7/28/07-1/11/1999 David A 5/24/51-5/4/1959 Henry Jerry 9/28/06-7/15/1992 ENTERLINE Irene W 9/21/25- ERDMAN Dorothy A 1916-1956 (buried with Frankum) John F 1/30/02-2/12/1970 Phoebe (Beck) 3/23/02-9/23/1987 John Robert 9/17/26-1/16/1969 Ottilie 1869-1962 Ferdinand 1867-1956 ERDRICH Liesel Ruff 1897-1934 ERICH Janice L 11/20/34- Eldon D 1/30/28- married 8/29/1954 parents of: Maren, Delmar, David, Brian ERICKSON Ivah G 1920- Clarence O 1917-2003 parents of: Gwen, Patricia, Nancy, Lonnie ERICSON Borghild 1894-1985 EVANS Rhoda O 1913- Ray C 1909-1955 EVENSON Lenore 1932-2001 (daughter) Gertrude 1914-1990 Arnet O 1908-1955 Darrell 1933-1937 FAILES Clarence J 1908- (death records show death in 1976) Della M 1903-1959 (buried with Goodrich) FARROW Dale D 9/21/52-1/20/1998 Ernest F JR 2/5/54-6/5/1966 Delores 1934- David 1928-1999 Helen J 1906- Everette Murphy 1903-1965 married 11/27/1926 Lillian 1884-1963 David 1877-1949 John C 1847-1937 Mary J 3/5/50-12/5/1911 Albert W 1871-1936 Winifred 1873-1946 Ernest 3/19/73-12/14/1932 Teckla 10/8/79-4/29/1945 Baby 1/12/1936 Melzer 1909-1986 (child of Albert) Alberta R 1914-1990 John d 4/10/1889 (18 yr, 8 mo, 6 day) Bessie d 12/28/1888 (3 yr, 5 day) Bertha d 1/6/1889 (9 mo, 10 day) Mary E d 12/28/1888 (7 yr, 9 mo, 2 day) Lillie Jane d 12/25/1888 (5 yr, 4 day) (last 5 children of Charles-Jane) Alice K (Krosch) 8/12/03-2/21/1997 Gurney Ralph 9/8/03-8/14/1985 married 2/13/1926 (last 2 buried with Larson) FENSKE Anna M 1903-1966 Marvin E 1898-1981 Jeanette Ann (Ziegler) 11/10/38- (child of Henry-Lylly Nelson) Wayne Douglas 12/9/31-5/27/1996 (son of Marvin-Anna Hesseldahl) married 7/16/1960 parents of: Wesley, John, Robert Wesley David 1/9/61-9/26/1978 Loretta M (Morgan) 1929- William Orris 1925-1994 Carl 1961 Dean A 1957 FERCH Dean W 1945-1948 Twin Girls 11/22/48-11/23/1948 (children of Albert-Marjorie) Marjorie Ruth 1913-1995 Albert A 1913-1969 Gust A 1888-1927 Pearl P 1888-1981 Pearl L 1925-1948 Donald Harold 11/25/25-6/6/1948 Paul J 1918-1966 (buried with Dominguez/ Mc Cormick) FERDINANDT Kester E 1908-1964 Marie M 1879-1964 Hans P 1875-1941 (buried with Jensen) Peter 10/23/57-1/18/1895 Lina 4/3/67-11/27/1893 Cathrina 1853-1929 Lorens M 1849-1930 FERLEY Evelyn (Sabin) 1917- Gaylord A 1910-1997 married 6/12/1936 parents of: Myrna Gail, Gaylen, Dennis, Dallas FIELDS Roy Lewis 4/9/28-10/30/1928 Mary Frances 12/4/34-12/22/1960 Curtis L 3/7/98-10/2/1965 Cornelia 1899-1966 FISCHER Arthur 1885-1969 FJELLAND May 1893-1964 Olaf 1889-1969 FLOGSTAD Camilla L 2/13/09-4/28/1997 Harold G 9/14/06-3/23/1989 FONER Marvin W 8/10/29-9/2/2000 Helen M 6/26/28- (buried with Nimz) FORSGREEN ?? (stone broken-only last name showing) (death records show Ole 1846-1893 husband of Marie) FRANKLIN Michael James 8/17/46-12/3/1996 Dorothy Elizabeth 4/8/20-10/13/1996 A James 9/9/14- FRANKUM Laura J 1883-1939 William T 1879-1960 (buried with Erdman) Mabel 1915-1971 Delbert 1906-1986 married 7/3/1931 FREDRICKSON Lars E 1871-1954 Annie A 1873-1941 Bertha C 1882-1974 FRETTE Janet R 1943- Erling L 1/4/30-3/4/1978 parents of: Judy, Jonathan, Karen, Kathryn Selma 1896-1963 Nels 1887-1969 Donald M 1957-1966 Evelyn D 1929-1966 Melvin J 1921-1966 FRETTY Ruby Esther 1898-1980 Jacob R 1892-1976 FRIETS Mildred Ann 1910-1980 Albert 1894-1972 FRITZMEIER William M 2/24/90-12/6/1938 Carl H 1886-1942 Henry A 1888-1946 Louis 1897-1968 Simon H 1884-1956 GAARD Mother 1843-1923 (death records say Rachael) Father 1841-1933 (death records say T.A.) Josie 1871-1964 Knute T 1869-1962 Tilmer A 1897-1979 Dora 1884-1927 Mary 1874-1927 GALLE Marie 1863-1949 Edward 1857-1942 GANGSTEE Sheilia Rae 1942-1943 Cecile Aurelia (Wells) 1901-1989 Grant Allen 1898-1991 Bertina 3/27/92-1/4/1980 Ingwart T 5/31/88-5/12/1973 Hans 1857-1912 GARLOW Elizabeth 3/27/79-5/2/1908 (wife of S) GARMAN Twin Sons 1/25/1966 (children of Roger D) (buried with Collison/ Ziegler/McCasland) GARMANN June Lillian 4/21/14-3/20/1997 George A 12/29/06-3/20/1993 parents of: Duane, Roger GARNER Helen S 1911-1979 John Forrest 1902- GARVICK Swen 1894-1937 Bertha 1896-1987 Baby 1919 Lars Ervin 1930-1934 Junior Carl 1929-1930 Richard Herman 3/30/28-12/19/1997 Minnie 1893-1976 Lars 1891-1966 Marvin 2/16/27-6/10/1999 Geneva L (Overfield) 9/19/32- married 12/17/1950 parents of: Terry, Charlotte, Allen, Ricky, Bobbe, Sharon (last 2 buried with Wander) GEE Loree May 11/15/1898-10/13/1998 Herbert Hanes 11/22/83-11/30/1960 GEIGER Esther (Henkel) 1891-1956 (buried with Henkel/Zentz/ Ogg/Karges) GETTY Maynard 12/4/01-1/15/1902 Harold d 12/1/3/1902 (both sons of Robert-Edith) GIBBS Myron R 7/9/71-8/11/1948 Nellie M 12/18/76-2/1/1961 GIESE James M 4/30/33-3/6/1989 GILES Delaney Stanley d 11/15/1918 (303rd Field Art-76th Div) Burdette d 2/27/1919 (360th Inf-88 div) Ann 1900-1972 GJERDE Sons 3/21/1944 (children of Selmer) GOA Hans 1881-1948 GOAD Mary V 1880-1924 George 9/7/78-12/20/1907 GOEKE Gertrude Mae 1896-1984 Henry W 1895-1974 Patsy R 1/5/34- Ronald Dean 10/21/33-10/15/1994 married 6/26/1954 parents of: Ronda, Rolinda, Randy, Radley Hattie Ida 1910-1982 Lawrence John 1909-1989 Duane A 1930-1934 Arthur W 1904-1974 Marie G 1906-1993 Roger R 1935-1963 Mark L 10/5/56-2/6/1988 GOODRICH John 11/7/47-9/6/1909 Frank A 2/3/82-10/2/1911 Stephen d 3/15/1904 (92 yr, 2 mo, 12 day) Esther d 1/31/1905 (88 yr) Gladys Gertrude d 9/4/1905 (3 yr, 11 mo, 3 day) (child of William-Celia Grace 1896-1960 Charles V 1898-1961 I Celia 10/2/65-10/12/1953 William 3/15/56-8/21/1918 George (no dates) (Co F-25th WI Inf) (last 8 buried with Failes) GRAMSTAD Esther Margaret 1907-1992 Ludvig J 1901-1965 GRANGER Spalding 1905-1968 Margery 1906-1977 GREENHOW Luther 1878-1934 Rosetta 1882-1945 GRETILLAT Edna May 1917-1954 Adam 1870-1952 Eleanor E 1934- Edward 1912-1986 parents of: Cheryl, James Donald Duain 1940- Lois May 1938- Albert 1905-1976 Myrtle 1905-1980 Dorothy 1941 GROEN Pauline 1903-1997 GRONBERG Axel 1870-1918 GUNDERSON Kelly 8/18/68-1/9/1969 (child of Kenny-Cathy) Ethel 1911-1996 Berger 1908-1948 GYLDENAAS Anna 1864-1944 Benjamin F 1865-1947 Jennie 1896-1918 Harold 1889-1913 HAAK B Henry 1879-1948 HAAS Magdelene Pauline 1930-1987 Donald E 1926- Opal E 1906-1990 Earl E 1904-1974 Jessie M 1899-1937 John 1873-1958 Sophia M 1870-1938 Alice M 1902 HAGEDORN Alma M 1902-1982 Edward H 1896-1927 (88th Inf) Mary E 1908-1976 August W 1900-1959 Louise 10/13/66-10/4/1943 John 12/14/64-5/16/1946 Millie C 10/16/06-3/27/2001 Lawrence W.J. 4/8/08-8/22/1967 William E SR 1871-1953 HAGER Esther 4/21/1906 John 1/19/1940 Mary 1867-1933 Julius C 1866-1938 Clifford 1898-1977 Isabella 1899-1979 George E 10/9/39-7/9/1969 HAGGE Leo M 1912-1913 Sheila Rae 1952 Martin 1888-1964 Lucy 1889-1926 Lathan William 7/9/14-12/11/1987 George 2/12/18-11/14/1968 Bernard L 6/21/15-11/1/1943 HALL Edmund W 1867-1940 (buried with Little/Mellin/ Anderson) Alice E (Bunworth) 1866-1942 (last 1 buried witha Bunworth) HALPIN LuVern 1885-1888 Alida R 1863-1950 James W 1859-1941 HALVERSON Bert 1865-1931 Belle 1866-1944 (buried with Olsen) Ethel M 1906-2001 William O 1899-1962 HAMBLIN Ida 1868-1915 LeRoy 1870-1941 HANSEN Mette C.K. 1877-1935 Hans S 1866- HANSON Kathrina 6/15/50-4/7/1929 Morris C 10/7/76-1/22/1954 Hans O 7/10/87-11/25/1966 Fred 10/14/89-1/27/1976 Minnie M 1920-1990 Donald B 1919-2000 parents of: Angela, Sharon Donna 1943 HARDIE Alexander 1852-1926 Iona 1860-1935 J.N. 1/25/82-7/19/1938 A.A. 8/20/84-2/8/1917 HASLEAU William Stewart Emerson 1885-1961 Madge E (Emerson) 1896-1944 HATFIELD Arlene Mae 5/30/41-3/31/1994 mother of: David, Arthur, Diane, Kimberly, Peggy HAUGE Clifton R 10/20/21-3/29/1991 Anna C 1895-1963 Helmer H 1893-1978 Margaret E 1/5/21- Henry S 1/1/20-3/20/1972 HAVE Peter C 5/19/22-9/30/1897 HAVER Lucy C 10/15/72-4/14/1959 Emil 1/21/88-4/3/1975 HAWBAKER Dale F 1923-1954 Bryan L 1897-1945 Boyd L 1926-1930 Ella 1876-1950 Levi 1871-1942 Mary 1893-1966 Boyd H 1895-1965 Opal 1912- David 1910- parents of: Mildred, David L, Marijane, Elsie Gaye, Retha HEANEY Sara E 1902-1996 William J 1899-1972 HEATH William M 1871-1943 Claudia 1876-1930 Earl E 1903-1968 HEGGEN Harold C 10/7/06-8/23/1914 Hannah L 1869-1929 Charles S 1859-1922 Barton I 5/1/07-4/3/1966 Joseph 8/15/97-11/26/1943 Martha 1870-1953 Halvor 1865-1947 Melinda Elizabeth 1895-1992 Genevieve 1914-1984 Selmer R 1910- parents of: Gladys, Shari, Sherwood HEIDT Linus 9/6/95-5/26/1967 (buried with Young) HELLEBUSTAD Elias 1847-1919 Kyrstina 1837-1923 Ole (no dates) (Co M-12th MN) HENDERSON Laura Esther 1908-1994 Harold Wilbur 5/5/99-3/7/1989 parents of: Nancy, Thomas HENKEL Christian F 11/12/60-8/15/1952 Augusta D 8/23/66-10/31/1920 Iva G (Zentz) 1878-1964 (buried with Zentz/Geiger/ Ogg/Karges) HESSELDAHL Alice M 1909- Conrad A 1908-1958 Magdalen 1845-1930 Nicholias 1848-1937 Nora 1887-1972 Joseph 9/23/14-1/16/1971 Christina 1885-1955 Frank N 1879-1967 HILL John H 1879-1969 Paulina 1879-1951 Earl H 2/4/92-1/15/1948 Florence W 2/11/00-5/5/1986 (last 2 buried with Williams/Wentz) HILPIPRE Emma Amelia 10/22/06- Henry Charlie 6/7/03-1/8/2000 married 2/25/1925 Eugene L 1869-1962 Ella 1869-1955 Edward 1910-1931 HODNEFIELD Alida B 1897-1939 (wife of JW) (buried with Olson) HODGES Reome I 3/25/18-10/1/2002 HOLLAND Samuel 1863-1950 Hulda 1869-1942 Lydia H 1910- Joseph Theodore 1912-1980 parents of: Jane, Signe Caroline 10/14/10-9/1/1993 Johanna 1885-1939 Sam T 1879-1948 Irene Caroline 1919-1993 Tilmer S 1915-1958 parents of: Roger Margie L 12/9/22- Gerhard H 4/2/19-2/21/2003 married 9/28/1940 parents of: Greg, Bill HOLT Fred 1858-1939 Stenvor E 1869-1942 Conrad 1892-1893 Carl 1890-1891 HOPPE Elaine 8/29/29- Donald 6/29/29- HOVE Anola G (Larsen) 2/2/20- (buried with Larsen) HOVLAND Martha 1877-1937 Ingebrigt T 1875-1963 Ragnhild M 1/27/15-1/25/1960 (buried with Howard) HOWARD Anna (Hovland) 3/10/13-11/1/1959 (buried with Hovland) HUBER R Lucille (Thompson) 1909- Charles Albert 1900-1984 Betty L 1/14/39- Robert S 8/22/35- married 12/3/1955 parents of: Rocky, John, Tami, George T Rosella Elvina 1/23/04-7/31/1995 George W 4/6/95-9/17/1972 Anna B 1866-1945 William B 1854-1933 Fred A 5/4/87-6/30/1975 Timothy Mark 7/29/88-9/14/1988 (son of Rocky-Brenda) George Timothy 2/2/61-2/3/1961 (son of Robert) (buried with Blaske) HULCE Anna F 1863-1950 Herbert W 1858-1923 Maud L 1889-1964 Ada A 1887-1910 IHLE Mildred C 1914-1955 Alfred Gerhard 1908-1988 Lenora E 1903-1973 Sherman Ned 1903-1994 Agnes M 1896-1971 Nels S 1893-1979 Ruth Ester (Larson) 11/27/11-5/10/1992 Milford Bennie 8/27/13-11/9/1999 married 3/18/1933 Harold S 9/27/19-11/27/1973 Marjorie J 2/15/29- married 3/11/1939 Anna Carina 1906-1979 (last 1 buried with Koepke/Moore) IMM Emil 1/8/74-9/23/1950 Emma M 9/19/86-4/19/1968 Herman F 1912-1989 Agnes 1921-1992 married 2/3/1967 Elsie M 5/31/18-11/12/1921 Elsie L 7/15/19- Bernard Carl 1/16/20-9/28/1983 Jean E 4/5/32- Robert O 10/12/22-8/15/1996 INGALLS Lucinda W 1/3/18- (death records show death as 1907) Achel C 12/9/13-12/21/1906 Edward C 12/19/43-12/2/1906 Emmie L 8/21/56-5/4/1903 Zane E 1890-1917 Mary E 1897-1981 John T 1858-1940 Sadie A 1870-1957 INGEBRITSON Ella Mae 1920- Joseph A 1912-1986 married 1/29/1940 parents of: Alice, Donna, Judith, Debra IVEY Josephine Mahala 1876-1958 Clarence W 1874-1936 JACOBS Charles C 1886-1983 Laura D.E. (Eichhorn) 1892-1976 (sister to Lola) Louise Frances 1860-1949 Archer C MD 1852-1939 Lorren E 1887-1888 JAMES Florence C.L. 1887-1980 William Irvin 1877-1950 Hazel C 1909-1991 JANSEN Josephine A 1934- Henry A 1929- parents of: Joan, Janet, Jerene, Henry JR Janet Marie 2/16/55-7/22/1956 Sharon Kay 10/30/42-1/12/1999 (wife Elso A SR) (married 2/26/1970) Anna M 1925-1969 Elso A SR 1922- JASNA Beatrice L 12/24/18-1/13/1999 (buried with Owen/Dobson/ Krampe) JENKINS Minnie E 1898-1981 R Jay 1895-1973 (buried with Eichhorn) JENKS Mabel (Thompson) 1901-1975 Merwyn 1926-1932 Earl M 1897-1951 JENSEN Marguerite D (Dashow) 1907-1979 Lawrence Chester 1908-1987 Loyal 1908-1942 (twin to Lawrence) Stephen Wade 1/27/68-1/29/1968 (son of Loyal-Joyce) Maggie M 1878-1948 Julius R 1878-1931 (last 3 buried with Ferdinandt) Nels 12/27/72-8/24/1939 JENSON Gunnild 5/16/91-10/8/1892 (child of Jens-Helga) JOHNSON Fern Pearl (Meyer) 4/28/32-3/16/1996 (buried with Meyer) John J d 4/1/1934 (163rd Dep Brig) Olena M 1851-1899 John K 1846-1922 Henry 1832-1922 Maren 1835-1913 T Lester 6/19/97-10/27/1971 George L 9/5/03-1/1/1964 Lizzie 1862-1945 Thomas H 1851-1922 Ruth Jemima 1/13/95-7/13/1916 (child of T-E) Joyce A 1938- Roger R 1938-1959 Elsie (Loge) 1909-1999 Thomas 1905-1953 Donald Derald 1933-1995 Audrey J (Loucks) 1935- married 12/15/1956 James 1941-1948 Clarence Donald 1914-1985 Clarence H 2/3/85-2/2/1917 Lewis 1866-1924 Julia A 1866-1940 (last 2 buried with Mathison/Nolte) Margaret R 10/22/31- Myron K 1/26/31- parents of: Monte, Connie, Cindy Monte Dean 1/31/51-7/26/1959 Victor N 1896-1960 Ruth E 1894-1986 Martha 1966-1969 Lois L 1926 (6 mo) (child of Keith) JONES Bertha H 1914-1998 Alfred M 1913-1976 J.J. 1865-1925 (last 1 buried with Lowther) JOOS Willie 1885-1937 Rose (Miller) 1895- (death records show death in 1971) (there is another Rose Miller 1895-1971 buried in the next plot with her husband. Same person???) (buried with Veith) JORDAHL Royce J 11/28/45-4/13/1997 KARGES Elsie A (Henkel) 1886-1936 (buried with Henkel/Zentz/ Ogg/Geiger) KEESEY William (no dates) (Co F-23rd PA Inf) (last name very hard to read) KEISTER Wayne O 6/29/13-7/9/1921 Baby (no dates) Oscar M 10/15/75-8/30/1916 Helen 1879-1956 Nettie M 1876-1953 Frank C 1872-1938 Oline 1906-1985 Harold R 1905-1972 Frieda Louise 1901-1984 DeVere C 1898-1966 KELLY Lowell Eugene 9/30/29-7/11/1992 Joyce J 1/28/30- KENNICOTT Glen S 6/16/11-2/24/2000 Viva Lois (Cunningham) 4/3/15-9/1/1974 KERR Berdeen E (no dates) Dustin S 10/14/09-9/12/1972 Joseph W 8/23/1951 Dagmar 7/26/15-8/5/1995 William Edwin 5/9/11-11/2/1975 June 1883-1987 Merritt M 1883-1946 (last 5 buried with Price) KESSEL Lee W 7/23/96-7/17/1973 Paul F 12/16/00-4/5/1919 Nancy M 1871-1941 Thomas P 1861-1934 Ethel A 9/3/00-8/31/1982 Alma E 1898-1982 Loren R 1899-1969 married 10/20/1924 KESSLER Minnie 12/27/55-12/30/1934 KING Donald Gordon 1937-2002 August 1862-1934 Myrtle 1875-1946 KIRCHER Ina Olga 6/1/97-8/24/1897 (child of Hattie-John) Nina May 9/15/01-9/21/1901 Harold 1898-1952 Hattie 1870-1947 John 1858-1928 KITTLE Harry J 8/15/99-12/28/1956 KITZMANN Priscilla L 1902-1977 Otto J REV 1898-1985 KLEIN Emilie 8/7/00-10/16/1933 Emil 2/29/58-7/31/1930 (buried with Wyatt) Lena W 1892-1982 Louis K 1892-1964 Doris G 1925- Donald Emil 5/8/23-3/17/1996 married 6/29/1948 parents of: Barbara, Ronny, Larry KLEINDL Marie 1891-1976 Edward 1881-1944 Ervin E 9/4/16-8/19/1977 Mikel 1852-1941 Rose 1857-1929 Mary 1902-1970 Phillip 1873-1951 Everett C 4/7/15-5/13/1928 Violet I 12/6/21-2/23/1924 Joseph 6/12/80-3/29/1962 Emma R 11/22/85-1/2/1961 Mavis J (Schaal) 10/18/36- Wayne Joseph 9/15/26-5/2/1982 KLUTH Georgia Josephine 12/9/98-6/1/1995 Max 6/13/01-1/7/1975 KNUTSON Peter 5/23/87-11/14/1901 Knud 3/11/82-10/8/1918 KOEPKE Clara 1881-1958 Gustav F 1875-1958 (buried with Ihle/Moore) KOPPEN Kristoffer J 4/23/1977 (son of JM-KH) KRAMER Charles F 1909-1966 Carolyn C 1952 (11 mo) Cora E 1913-1987 KRAMPE Wilhelmina 1869-1953 Herman 1868-1926 (buried with Blank) Otto F 4/3/95-12/18/1960 (last 1 buried with Owen/Jasna/Dobson) KRIEWALL Albert F 1868-1955 Magdalen M 1877-1927 KRINKE Romayne 1921- H Vincent 1921- parents of: Virginia, Douglas, Bryan Susan Kay 4/11/48-5/9/2000 Douglas Vincent 9/10/47- parents of Preston, Justin Vanetta Marjorie 1917-1999 Louise Emma 1895-1985 Alfred P 1893-1980 Frederick D 9/9/70-10/12/1942 Hulda 11/6/82-6/16/1954 Alda Anna 2/18/08-9/10/1925 KROSCH Gladys M (Kysar- Lutz-Wing) 1909-1991 Augustus F 3/5/02-5/7/1983 Ida W (Wing) 1865-1941 Frank 1867-1958 Lyla Eleanor (Quam) 2/5/15- Willard Keith 7/25/12-4/10/2002 parents of: Charlotte, Walter Bessie A 1877-1965 John H 1873-1920 Erma L 1915-2002 Mark R 1912- married 10/21/1947 parents of: Lilian, Leota, Mary, Nola William F 12/25/25-4/6/1898 Christina F 3/5/39-2/22/1913 Harold B 1909-1976 August F 9/9/33-1/23/1913 Emma 1/3/42-11/10/1898 Hattie J 1875-1912 Ora F 1873-1951 Ray W 6/24/98-2/17/1955 Lester L 1908-1966 Ronald LeRoy 11/29/1935 (son of L-E) Albert d 5/8/1906 (21 mo) (son of O-H) Fred 1873-1932 Baby 7/15/1908 Lorraine R 1930- Virgil E 1927-1985 Albert W 1896-1963 Anna Louise 1897-1990 Charley F 6/27/71-8/20/1906 (last 5 buried with Miller) Sylvia R (Sailor) 11/5/15-1/16/1986 Marion Everette 4/14/10-10/30/1993 Joyce 1948-1949 (child of Norval-Bernice) Howard W 12/29/08-3/6/1909 Margaret 1876-1979 Emil 1866-1936 Marilyn 11/20/1932 Merle 1934-1935 Beryl 1953-1962 Phillip E 7/6/44-8/25/1969 Mabel Lena 1903-1987 Maynard C 1903-1990 parents of: Marlys, Merlyn William G 5/24/61-4/18/1932 Nina A 8/2/63-3/24/1939 Sidney C 1884-1946 Cora B 1886-1968 KRUGER John 1896-1970 Florence Anna May 1903-1990 Arthur A 3/16/09-1/23/1975 Viola Mae (Fallen) 6/23/75-5/28/1903 (wife of John T) KRUPP Henrietta 1844-1935 Karl 1846-1929 Elsie 1893-1968 Albert 1881-1955 Leona Adelaide (Goltz) 6/12/16- Fred Albert 8/27/13-12/9/2000 married 6/16/1940 parents of: Marlin, Janae, Nadine Elizabeth E 1896-1932 Otto Herman d 11/29/1936 (3rd Pio Inf) KUCHENBECKER Harold Carl 1/11/23-12/9/1985 Ida S 1886-1949 Ernest 1886-1967 KURTH Charles 1872-1950 Elizabeth 1870-1952 William 8/10/99-5/31/1961 Clara 1905-1993 Arthur 1902-1951 Berniece E 1915-2001 Gerald Bernard 1910-1980 (last 2 buried with Coppernoll) KUSS Sherman R 1925-1928 Edith M 1908-1977 Bruno R 1899-1965 (buried with Collison/ Shulte)