ROSEHILL CEMETERY A - F Transcription done by Diane Oldfather in 2003. ============================================ From Wells take US 109 West. It is on the very edge of town on the right side of the road. It is in Section 5 of Clark Township. AKEMANN Wilhelmina 1876-1938 John V 1867-1923 (death records show Johan) Phillip 1873-1929 Sophia (Hartjen) 1883-1951 William 1865-1951 Sophie 1868-1948 Marie S 1893-1975 Henry C 1894-1952 Fred 2/26/63-3/19/1933 Mary 3/10/64-8/26/1909 Edward 1875-1943 Dolly M 1940-1976 Keith J 1939-1999 Herman 1898-1980 Elsie 1896-1977 Clarence 3/24/18-8/11/1918 Mary Alice 1948-1969 Marvin F 1913-1984 Alice L (Anderson) 1922- (last 3 buried with Augustin) Henrietta M 1891-1981 Fred H 1887-1949 ALICKSON Albert 1859-1931 Anna 1870-1953 George M 1891-1917 ALLEN Hugh 12/4/71-9/8/1939 Hattie 1874-1968 Wilber R 1874-1966 Lloyd W 1843-1920 Lury J 1844-1929 Steavie 11/2/94-10/16/1896 Clare (Hall) d 3/30/1941 (43 yr) (US Marines) Mabel E 10/18/96-7/2/1968 Dorothy M 1927-1954 Robert H 10/14/25-1/16/2002 Clara E 1870-1951 Albert O 1868-1945 Karl Lynn 3/4/41-10/21/1961 (Co B-327th Inf) Frank E 1907-1968 ALLIS Henry 1906-1996 Edward A 1900-1953 Fred W 1898-1952 Bertha A 1869-1938 Rineard 1866-1955 Mame H (Schroeder) 1906-1994 Roy F 1905-1988 married 4/12/1926 Dorothy M 1875-1960 Charles 1870-1956 Marjorie M 1901-1964 William C 1900-1989 Madeline B 1913- Erwin F 1903-1988 ALSTERBERG Ellen J 1894-1960 Konrad L 1891-1964 Martin Hjalmer 5/15/18-6/14/1995 Leanore Ida (Dunbar) 11/4/07-5/28/1994 AMBLE Benjamin 1858-1930 Sarah O 1857-1895 AMUNDSON Ida Mae 1894-1969 Thorvald 1877-1966 Clifford 1913- Loretta 1916-1998 parents of: Lloyd, Gordon ANDERSON Clarence 1886-1924 Melvin A 1892-1930 Helena L 1860-1911 Samuel A 1858-1922 Rosa L 8/1/47-8/1/1916 (soldier widow) John 3/11/46-4/16/1893 Marie (Paulson) 1868-1944 (last 1 buried with Paulson) Jamie d 3/29/1887 (25 yr) (wife of JP) James P 1860-1916 Caroline G 1870-1856 (last 3 buried with Bergeson) LuVae A 4/12/16- Lionel R 11/29/12- William David 11/14/65-11/16/1965 (son of Larry-Judy) (last 1 buried with Schneider/Kelley) Ardis M 1905-1998 Nellie M 1878-1932 Alfred E 1870-1952 (last 3 buried with Brunn) Alfred J 1884-1974 Millicent F 1888-1969 Janice H 1918-1983 Gladys E 1900-1975 Leonard M 1901-1995 Bertha J 1868-1935 John C 1868-1953 Harold J 1898-1933 Helen (Passer) 1902-1991 Gustav 1869-1910 Hillis H 1901-1976 Mary L 1902-1976 Esther 1899- (last 1 buied with Hanson) Neil G 1913-1986 Marvel Delberta 1917-1993 married 6/13/1935 parents of: Avis, Arden Earl Eugene 9/2/25-9/7/1972 Helena Wilhelmina 1/8/28-5/17/2001 Alta C 1900-1979 Howard L 1897-1985 Daniel Lee 2/16/61-11/6/2001 father of: Emily, Margaret (husband of Denise Hesselroth) Douglas L 1932-1979 ANTHONY Mary Jane 10/18/47-7/7/1907 (wife of Ed) Lottie A 1874-1946 Elmer J 1866-1943 Earl R 1894-1969 Hazel D 1898-1966 Carrie H 1891-1990 David H 1892-1942 ARMITAGE Stella A 10/8/95-11/30/1969 (sister) (buried with Hautt) ARMSTRONG Barbara 1931-1986 ASHPOLE Emily J 1904-1971 Harold L 1900-2000 AUGST William 1895-1968 Irene 1904-1996 (buried with Gabriel) AUGUSTIN Baby 1973 (buried with Akemann) AULGER Kathryn (Kalton) 7/14/25-8/5/1986 AUSTIN Mary 4/1/17-2/25/1900 AYERS Alice Emma 12/5/08-11/22/1997 Hubert A 8/12/06-8/10/1964 BABCOCK Rosa 3/31/27-8/6/1907 H Willis 3/4/25-9/23/1897 Louisa 6/9/57-1/10/1897 (wife of EG) B.D. 2/16/52-4/13/1929 Emma A 1/7/51-11/10/1921 Wealthy A d 6/4/1877 (52 yr, 4 mo, 2 day) (wife of DL) Inez Louise (no dates) (16 yr) (child of BD-EA) Alice Maryon 1906-1999 George H 1906-1977 Roger Marvin 1913-1998 Vivian (Hanna) 1916-1971 Jesse 1880-1966 Sophia 1875-1942 Arthur D 5/1/1905-12/4/1918 (last 5 buried with Christenson) Charlotte E 1859-1944 William H 1859-1936 Norman 1909-1977 Irene 1913- James LeRoy 2/13/44-4/7/1982 James LeRoy II 5/2/70-5/8/1970 (son of James-Catherine) Elna N 1906-1994 Willis LeRoy 1902-1961 Michael Jon 12/15/60-11/4/1997 father of: Christina Karen I 8/27/40- Marvin R 8/17/39- parents of: Michael, Marc DuWayne W 9/15/29-5/22/1982 Ellen Mae 1935-1984 Merlyn Pete 1933- BADER Emilie A 1853-1934 Herman 1856-1940 Frieda 1889-1963 BAER George 5/6/69-6/19/1894 Catharina 2/28/34-11/8/1907 BAKE Elizabeth 1885-1950 Gustav Henry 1879-1948 BAKER Harold C d 9/21/1926 Floyd Lloyd 1913-1990 Berniece (Purdie) 1916- BALDWIN Edith d 8/18/1872 (1 yr, 10 mo) (child of EA-JC) Egbert A 12/27/29-11/28/1897 Christina 10/19/38-2/12/1896 BANGS Carl F 4/19/07-5/10/1984 Marcella Agnes (Schultz) 12/24/19-10/20/1984 BANSE Marie 1855-1931 Clara 1850-1892 (both wives of Gustave) Gustav 1843-1933 Bertha 1872-1881 (child of G-C) (buried with Billington) BARNES Sarah J 1830-1911 George A 1822-1892 (69 yr, 9 mo, 4 day) ?? (just stone with last name) Mary 9/11/55-6/26/1906 (wife of C) BARNICK Lydia B 10/20/97-7/11/1989 Louis L 5/28/00-9/24/1951 Marie M 1869-1928 Henry 1869-1943 Fredericka 1851-1912 Herman 3/21/45-10/8/1914 Edward A 1896-1973 Rose Dorothy 1899-1958 BARR Stella 1896-1994 William H MD 1879-1952 BARTLETT Fred C 1851-1918 Emilie S 1852-1926 Sophia M 1903-1993 Percy M 1906-1981 BATES Esther Meribel 9/6/00-1/20/1992 Edward George 2/4/99-11/4/1971 Ernest W 5/29/66-12/26/1919 Nellie M 4/28/70-9/28/1907 Mercy Ann 5/3/46-11/6/1926 Ted E 1901-1974 Emma M 1904-1982 BATHKE Edgar L 1888-1960 Mabel H 1900-1967 John Michael 12/30/52-12/31/1952 (son of R) Rodney Wayne 11/18/25-11/25/1992 Madella M (Olson) 8/7/28- married 9/23/1949 BEBLER Anna L 1894-1960 Richard 1893-1962 married 12/22/1920 Gerald R 5/1/22-5/3/1983 Irene L (Strothman) 12/20/28- married 9/14/1946 parents of: Richard, LouAnn, Wayne, Jeanne, Kathleen Arthur 7/27/31-11/4/1988 ?? (no name on stone) married 8/20/1953 BECKMAN Frances Irene (Jergensen) 4/6/15-2/1/1997 (child of George-Malinda) Clarence Christ 9/25/12-6/17/1994 (son of Ehler-Meta) parents of: Gerald, Curtis, Dennis, Ronald, Merry LeAnn Ramona (VanHorne) 1931-1995 Orville 1928-1997 married 7/1/1950 parents of: Ramona, James, Earl, Dawn, Son Son 3/19/1961 BECKMANN Meta 1891-1970 Ehler 1884-1935 Gustav W 7/14/10-7/17/1970 Melvin R 8/16/15-1/27/1916 (son of EE-MA) Wilbert 1921-192 (son of G-L) Margarette Sophia 1/25/43-2/1/1924 Wilhelm 12/23/45-5/16/1919 Evelyn MD 1911-1979 Theodore H 1902-1986 Phyllis Margaret 1919-1999 Roger 1916-1974 Idella 1916-2000 Norbert 1919-1981 married 6/21/1942 Lydia S 1893-1982 Christ Ernest 1889-1980 Norman G 1916-1981 Dorothy M 1920- Eldo Lyle 7/17/31-2/9/1994 (son of Christ-Lydia) father of: Warner, Yvonne, Christine BEDENT James d 9/9/1871 (2 yr) (son of SGW-SAS) BEHRENS Herman 1862-1927 Lovisa 1870-=1944 BENSON John REV 2/10/08-10/15/1889 Margaret (Goff) 8/20/14-10/12/1905 Melvin 6/30/92-6/17/1967 Carmen (Shirk) 4/19/98-3/10/1974 BERG Bernice (Rose) 1909-2001 (buried with Rose) BERGER Julius A 7/9/64-3/23/1943 Meryl H (Bergo) 3/31/19- donald J 8/7/19-3/13/1991 BERGESON Gladys M 1900-1988 Henry E 1904-1972 (buried with Anderson) BERGO Lovie 1897-1947 Henry 1893-1975 Leola 1904- (daughter) (last 1 buried with Lembke) BEYER Dorothy W (Wille) 1909- Arnold William 1904-1984 Erwin A 10/17/96-6/26/1953 Anna C (Steinhauer) 2/19/96-7/17/1951 Anna K (Kummerow) 10/29/65-3/6/1941 (last 1 buried with Kummerow) Lois J 1932- Eugene E 1930-1977 Martha L 5/17/11-11/29/1978 William B 1/7/11-12/8/1982 BIEDERMANN August 1/1/49-1/1/1899 Richard 7/7/74-11/14/1897 Son 5/27/98-6/6/1898 (son of A-M) Susanna 5/21/51-2/21/1886 BIESTERFELD Henry 1856-1934 Herman 3/23/97-3/25/1897 (son of Heinrich-Ottile) Ottilie Wilmine 10/5/65-3/23/1897 Emma 9/8/74-3/20/1946 Eddie A 6/15/98-12/5/1944 Sophie Charlotte 2/3/31-6/26/1913 Esther Clara 12/16/11-6/23/1999 Henry H 5/29/93-1/10/1974 BIESTERFIELD Ada O 5/19/07-5/15/1937 Edna 8/8/99-9/25/1928 (both wives of HH) BILLINGTON ?? (just stone with last name on it) (buried with Banse) Clem 1882-1967 Dora 1894-1974 BISHOP Ida Bertha 1880-1938 Jesse R 1881-1955 Iva Ruth 1904-1977 (daughter) Kenneth A 1905-1991 Keith C 2/11/42-12/13/1942 Dale R 7/24/35-5/1/1950 Charles A 1910-1967 BLANK Esther 1909-1992 Ralph 1902-1976 married 6/8/1929 Clifford E 1930- Aurora E 1933- married 8/15/1953 BLISS Amelia 4/6/41-4/15/1918 BLUHM Carl 1896-1970 Mary 1868-1938 Robert 1861-1926 Rosa M 1904-1977 Arnold W 1907-1972 BOECK Marie 1885-1961 Fred W 1883-1967 (buried with Edelman) Minnie 1860-1949 Carl 1855-1910 Harry Edward 1909-1988 John E 1885-1964 Emma S 1887-1981 Leon William 1916-1995 Alvina (Kuss) 1913-1999 parents of: Bonita BOEDER Emma R 1878-1948 William R 1872-1959 BOELKE Anna B 1880-1955 Fred M 1875-1959 Freddie H 6/14/05-8/18/1923 Emma L 2/20/87-10/13/1966 Gustave R 5/29/78-10/12/1936 Herbert H 1901-19787 Rande E 1904-1981 BOETTCHER Lewis G 1916-1932 Herman E 1882-1958 Martha H 1872-1948 Viola L 1906-1999 Burdette G 192-1945 BOGENSCHUTZ Henry 12/28/89-3/18/1926 George A 6/11/81-4/9/1915 (buried with Brandenburg) Joseph 1852-1938 Pauline 1859-1936 Arnold G 5/16/25-7/12/1944 (died in Italy) Albert Joseph 8/7/85-7/11/1942 Lizzie Emma 9/2/94-3/7/1982 Frank A 1900-1974 Irene R 1904-1957 BOGUE Evelyn E 1895-1956 Charles R 1887-1961 Josephine 1857-1933 Julius 1848-1936 BOHM Violet Dorothy 2/20/19-8/7/1993 Gilbert 12/30/16-6/23/2003 parents of: Gary, Dean, Wayne BOOTH Fred L 1866-1914 BORWEGE Lucille 1910-1999 Emery A 1905-1967 BOWEN Alfred E 1893-1961 Lydia E 1893-1978 BOWMAN Lucy A 1867-1948 BOYES Ethel (Thompson) 1897-1982 Oscar R 1898-1984 BRAATZ Elsa Rosin (Grunzke) 1908-1995 (buried with Grunzke) BRACCO Harry 1877-1964 Minnie 1881-1944 John 1880-1961 (uncle) BRADKE Joseph 1880-1964 John 8/1878-9/1963 Rudolph 9/1878-1/1952 BRAMER Terri Ann 6/5/73-5/16/1974 BRANDENBURG August F 1886-1938 Laura 1895-1960 Walter A 1918-1967 George August 6/11/51-2/10/1990 (lost at sea) LeMar John 6/30/1948 (buried with Bogenschutz) Judy Kay 11/9/44-2/12/1945 (last 1 buried with Smith) BRANDT Maria 9/6/47-8/4/1914 Henry W 8/30/39-12/8/1908 Henry August 8/22/71-7/17/1925 Emma 6/26/74-12/28/1949 William C 5/4/66-1/23/1923 Amelia 10/21/68-12/31/1956 George 2/11/93-2/8/1921 Darren William 8/15/1959 (son of Richard-LaDonna) Raymond William 11/28/25-12/29/1925 (son of William) Raymond Alfred 11/24/26-4/11/1927 (buried with Ewald) Herman E 1867-1916 Dorothea 1876-1948 Baby 1925 Olga 1900-1990 Alfonso 1897-1956 Helena H 1889-1986 Albert L 1887-1955 Ernestine d 10/9/1856 (71 yr, 3 mo, 15 day) (wife of Wihlelm) Martin John 2/19/80-1/17/1911 (last 2 buried with Lutteke/ Buendorf) Herman 8/7/03-3/22/1911 Gustav H 1902-1988 Fred G 10/20/86-12/10/1928 Mary Louise 1859-1953 Julius R 1856-1933 Anna 1897-1974 Albert C 1884-1947 Mary Louise 7/14/1922 August J 1873-1940 Maleta Sophia 1903-1995 William F 1902-1975 Eldo W 1/24/19-7/1/1984 Dorothy L 2/12/20- parents of: David, Howard, Elaine, Paul Elaine Diane 10/23/53-8/2/1990 Amelia E 3/6/99-3/17/1940 Arthur H 8/26/96-5/3/1965 Rose C 1885-1970 Fred E 1882-1946 Gerald W 1923- Wanda M 1936- Caroline 1904-1977 Erwin O 1898-1972 Harold A 8/2/21-11/11/2002 Velma F 1/4/22- married 1/15/1942 parents of: Eugene, Nadine, Harlan, Gloria BRANTLEY James R 1900-1975 Gladys A 1903-1973 married 9/29/1924 BRATRUD Lillian M (no dates) Arnold E 11/13/27-11/15/1978 BRATSCH Denver Emmons 5/27/17-3/6/1988 BRIESE Otto H 1875-1963 ?? 1879-1947 (unable to read stone) Bernice I 1907-1992 Arthur H 1901-1989 BREITKREUTZ Virgil 4/8/22- Ardene 12/10/33- parents of: Joan grandparents of: Becky BRIGGER Larry 1942-1960 Edwin 1911-1997 Fay E.F. 1917-1977 BRIX George A 1903-1973 BROWN LuVerna (Bracco) 1916- Charles Edward 1912-1996 married 10/6/1937 parents of: Donald, Sybil Temple Ann 10/18/71-10/19/1971 (child of Donald) Sarah 1882-1918 Edward 1881-1958 Thomas 1820-1899 Dora A 1875-1951 John L 1873-1951 Violet (Dewey) 1904-1960 Raymond 1905-1944 Caroline M 1871-1948 James A 1870-1958 Violet I 1896-1976 (buried with Stemm) BRUCKHOFF Alice Evelyn (Rassmusson) 1920-1989 Harold William 1912-2001 married 9/30/1936 parents of: Bonnie, Brian BRUDER Mary 11/9/68-6/3/1962 Ben R 6/15/64-4/30/1953 BRUN Hattie (Passer) 1898-1986 (buried with Passer) BRUNN Arnold 1899-1959 (death records show Harry) (buried with Anderson) Mathilda 1876-1950 Edward 1874-1955 BUEHRE John 1870-1931 Mary 1870-1931 BUENDORF George 1877-1937 Marie 1878-1924 Grant 3/14/1935 Arno G 1899-1953 Margaret 1898-1986 Son 12/20/1935 (son of George-Goldie) (buried with Meyer) Merle O 1908-1954 Ruby V (Hass) 1914-1985 Marion (Grant-Madsen) 2/6/18-11/23/1994 BUGBEE Lillie (Johnson) 1900-1991 Leila L (Moses) 1885-1933 (both wives of CS) Clyde S 1884-1974 BULL Mildred E 1926-1930 BUNDY Charles 1915-1920 Ida 1886-1947 Charles F 1885-1949 BURNETT Raymond F 12/8/95-7/25/1972 Elvina L.D. 1898-1983 BURNS Allie (Griffith) 1865-1955 (buried with Griffith) Martha 7/9/49-12/8/1912 James 5/10/54-9/13/1939 Jessie A 1909-1963 Ralph A 1906-1986 BUSCHO Louisa 1850-1916 Gustav 1844-1923 Mary 1869-1950 Henry 1869-1933 Grace 1885-1966 Edward O 1881-1959 Leona 3/30/18-8/1/1948 Roger Edward 4/20/15-8/5/1948 BUSCHOW Delores 3/1948 Evelyn 1913- Alfred 1903-1973 Albert E 1875-1934 Lydia A 1880-1975 Florence R 1902-1997 BUSH Blanche E 1917-1980 Helen R 1886-1963 John A 1881-1944 BUTSON Wallace J 1918- Winifred K 1920- married 12/14/1944 parents of: Pam, John, Jim, Mike, Connie, Patrick BUTTS Herman 1868-1954 Mary 1878-1964 Clarence O 1905-1977 Marie A 1907-1998 CALDWELL Lacey M 4/15/92-4/30/1941 (buried with Schoen/Patten/ Hall/Draper) CALLAHAN Thomas F 4/1/77-5/14/1955 Hulda Frances 5/12/82-9/21/1957 Jean Mamie 1927-2001 Robert Lawrence 1925-2001 parents of: Patricia, Richard, Joyce CAMPBELL Mickie 1942-1944 Rush H 4/30/87-11/19/1962 Ida Mae 6/6/93-10/18/1967 CANDEE Roger A 1857-1937 Carrie 1871-1929 CAREY David M 1/29/89-7/6/1963 Julia d 1986 (death records show birth 1895) CARLEY Glenn 1912-1922 Febie J 1850-1929 Job M 1835-1923 CARLSON Arthurlee A 1904-1959 Marie N 1904-1993 Brad Lee 1955-1973 (son of Jan-Ted) Leslie H 1898-1977 Edith L 1899-1971 Christina K 1871-1950 John T 1870-1953 CHIRPICH Travis John 11/5/1975 (son of James-Sidney E) CHRIST George August 1888-1958 Victoria 1889-1993 Raymond William 5/16/14-9/29/1992 David R 8/6/1922- Linda Diane 10/12/1947 Laurine C 5/31/21-11/14/2002 CHRISTENSEN Hazel C 10/29/10-6/29/1930 Bernard H 11/29/95-9/3/1956 Anna S 10/11/72-12/20/1947 Andrew A 7/26/67-2/4/1953 J John 1890-1955 Florence 1887-1965 Andrew 1901-1974 CHRISTENSON Dorothy (Nelson) 4/8/26- Chester Jerome 3/24/22-9/25/1998 married 11/8/1947 parents of: Bruce, Gary, Linda, Charles, Shirley, Richard Merrill Willis 12/27/1947 (son of Kenneth-Mavis) (last 1 buried with Babcock) CHRISTIANSON Clarence 1898-1973 Tressa 1877-1958 Knut 1870-1945 CLARK Jane d 6/23/1875 (35 yr, 9 mo, 8 day) (wife of William) CLARKE Charles F 1860-1925 Martha S 1864-1943 Estella B 1892-1907 James Percival 10/2/01-8/25/1904 CLAUDE Henry W 8/7/96-3/22/1962 Florence L 1897-1979 CLAUS Nellie 1891-1979 Roy J 1888-1946 CLIKEMAN Tamara Lee 5/17/71-4/23/1975 (child of James-Ruth) CLUPSIE Fan Martha (Ford) 1885-1978 Frank Max 1884-1985 COLE Earnest 1887-1972 COLVIN Cortelyou 1905-1965 Tillie 1907-1981 Bernard W 11/16/30-1/31/1971 CONANT Edith M d 12/7/1917 Charles E 1855-1928 CONCKLIN Theodore 10/26/27-12/14/1907 CONRAD Tress (Boettcher) 1895-1969 Eva Mae 1895-1941 Monte M 1894-1952 CONVER Lee d 5/16/1886 (1 yr) (child of W-J) COOK Ella J 5/27/57-6/4/1935 Edwin A 10/28/52-7/5/1902 Clara A 1883-1971 Vernon J 1882-1956 Eliza d 1/10/1896 (85 yr, 1 mo, 29 day) Henry d 3/5/1864 (52 yr, 6 mo) Gordon J 1917- Auguste 10/22/55-6/22/1897 (wife of C) Harold E 1904-1986 Helen Viola 1911-1998 Matie 1884-1976 Irvin 1879-1962 COOPER Frank M 1839-1919 Clarine 1847-1933 (buried with Dwyer) CORY Rebecca 1866-1927 (buried with Quimby/Heckel) COWELL Hilda V 1906-1990 James Ray 1895-1959 COX L Russell 1896-1953 (death records show Lawrence) Nellie A 1897-1976 COY Clifford E 1928-1977 Olga E 1904-1984 George L JR 1905-1968 married 6/21/1924 Timothy George 1964-1968 (son of George J-Patricia L) CRAWFORD David 1886-1970 Amelia Christine Marie 1886-1980 Thelma G 1920-1979 Harold David 1916-1988 CROWELL Mary Louise 1875-1957 Ezra W 1873-1934 CULBERTSON Elizabeth S 1874-1941 Clarence H 1875-1933 Herbert A 1895-1973 Vera Iona 1899-1996 Sarah Renea 7/17/81-5/21/1986 Jason Elliot 6/25/76-3/9/1980 Bernice I 1920-1968 Donald Herbert 3/26/22-5/4/2001 Kenneth G 1918-1981 Evelyn E 1919-1987 Lester G 1920- Marcella H 1921- parents of: Bill, Barbara, Harold, Randal, Pamala, Steven, Charles Lester H 1906-1957 Gladys E 1907-1996 Bruce R 4/14/50-1/4/1998 Rosalie M 2/28/53- married 6/29/1974 parents of: Christopher, Lori, Kenneth, Kari Melvin E REV 1923- Beverly A 1927- married 8/11/1945 parents of: Phyllis, Herbert, Patricia, Peggy, Thomas, Terry CUMMINGS Donald O 10/8/12-2/23/1963 Esther E 1916- Helen Mary (Harman) 12/17/16-4/17/1995 Gale Howard 8/9/14-12/4/1982 CUNNIN Laurella L 1934- David H 1928- parents of: Jeanne, David, Lauri, Carol, Teresa Teresa L 12/6/64-3/11/1989 CUPP Nancy H 10/22/46- William Dean 4/13/22-8/19/1981 CURTIS Elizabeth 1913- Melvin A 1900-1983 Darrell 1946-1956 CUTTING Ethel (Purdie) 1913- Telbert Vergle 1915-1998 DANKS Lawrence A 1926- Oscar L 1902-1985 Agnes L 1906-1957 Jimmy 1923-1924 (6 mo) Thomas 1877-1961 Nettie 1881-1968 LeRoy 1902-1980 DALLMAN Marvin E 1914- Viola E 1921-1963 DAULS Charles Sumner d 7/23/1884 (7 yr, 2 mo) (son of Oliver E- Jonnie Stochley) DAWSON Esther C 1912- DEGNER Louis 1892-1965 (brother) Esther 1897-1987 (sister) DESHER Mabel M (Melcher) 1919-1986 Earl F 1913-1984 DEUTER Auguste 1867-1954 August H 1868-1941 DEWEY Clarissa E 1892-1950 April May 1857-1924 Frederick C 1857-1934 Ruth Eunice 1917-1929 R.R. 8/23/15-8/31/1915 DEZELL John P 1885-1953 LeRoy 1894-1918 Marietta 2/10/64-1/8/1927 Charles C 3/28/58-4/14/1938 Frances R 1883-1969 DIBBLE Mary E 1837-1926 Orrin 2/17/32-12/29/1907 James A 1/11/83-11/27/1907 Baby 3/8/02-5/12/1902 Baby 3/8/1902 Melville Earl 3/24/99-10/16/1899 DICKMAN Henry 1871-1924 Alvina 1876-1957 Manville A 12/4/18-2/23/1945 Mabel Elsie 1901-1990 (last 1 buried with Diekman/Karp) DIEKMAN Sophie M (no dates) (death records show age 85) Fred A (no dates) (death records show age 67) Lela M 1906-1970 Harold 1903-1961 Harriet 1915-1965 (last 2 buried with Dickman/Karp) DINGEMANS Lavonne A (Hoyt) 9/14/22-10/25/2001 mother of: 6 (buried with Hoyt) DONBARG Lucy A 1883-1888 Mamie A 1857-1900 George H 1852-1905 DORNFELD Edward F 1889-1961 Minnie D 1888-1964 Genevieve A d 4/24/1921 (9 day) Baby 12/18/1922 DRAGER Herman JR 1884-1942 (buried with Johnson) Minnie 9/20/49-1/30/1932 Herman 2/8/49-8/14/1931 Doreen L 6/6/64-6/8/1964 Wilbert Henry Ernest 2/14/18-7/13/1992 Berdine G (Gimberline) 8/28/20- May E 1928- Clarence Otto 1923-1988 parents of: Cheryl, Jim, David, Darla, Jon Ida B 1918-1977 Edgar Herman 1916-1991 married 10/1/1937 DRAKE Ralph F 1856-1927 Emma 1856-1938 Russell M 1897-1939 Mata M 1896-1988 Russell JR 1922-1932 Lurline M 11/9/14-12/25/2002 Maynard R 4/11/14-12/21/1991 parents of: Joan, John, Jean, Jerry DRAPER Barbara 1903-1987 Miles Hall 1896-1977 Calvin H 1865-1951 Julie 1866-1937 (buried with Caldwell/Hall/ Schoen/Patten) DRUGG Dorothy M (Gabrielson) 1923- John Charles 1922-1990 DUMKE Otto F 1882-1965 Amanda 1889-1972 Evelyn 12/31/15- Wilbert 10/6/13- DUNAHOO Charles S 11/22/70-10/14/1932 Sarah J 1/11/71-7/2/1952 C Frank 4/16/95-12/1/1943 DUNBAR Lena 1893-1971 (buried with Passer/Phillips) Lanie 1880-1967 (last 1 buried with Thompson) Lynn J 6/5/87-4/9/1965 Hannah M 8/15/1883-3/15/1983 Fern V 11/7/16-9/21/1945 DUNN Freddy d 6/18/1879 (3 yr, 5 mo) DUNSTAN Mary 1873-1920 DWYER Carrie 5/8/70-9/20/1909 (wife of JC) James 1901-1933 (buried with Cooper) DYLLA Geraldine 4/8/1929 Baby 1/25/1941 (buried with Elmer) Frank P 1907-1976 EASTMAN Grace 1886-1970 Farnk L 1874-1967 Bernadine F (Crowell) 1921- Armund Roy 1912-1999 EDELMAN Adeline (Gosch) 1921- (child of John-Millie) (buried with Boeck) EGGEN Erwin W 1915-1987 Edwin 1876-1953 Margaretha 1876-1940 EHLERT Alvin Roy 7/20/24-10/7/1989 Alverna S (Elmer) 5/2/1923 Elmer L 3/28/43- Kathryn 12/27/44- EHRICH Mark Robert 6/24/65-3/26/1968 (son of Robert-Lorraine) Andrew Leo 6/5/03-4/4/1993 Marie Anna 7/31/06-4/28/1982 Elmer 1921- Bernice 1920- married 3/2/1958 EICKHAFF Harry C 5/3/09-9/16/1987 Velma Bobbie 7/10/10-8/5/1982 EITEL Floyd Forrest 6/21/04-6/8/1962 Hattie Ida (Schroeder) 5/14/09-4/6/1995 married 12/19/1935 parents of: Rolland D.F., Kennie H, LeRoy F ELLEFSON Ethel (Graham) 1912-1982 (buried with Graham) ELLIG Gustaf H 4/12/94-2/7/1959 Emma 2/18/96-7/25/1974 ELMER Martha M 1920-1988 Manville W 1921- parents of: Geraldine, Marilyn, Beverly, Russell, Ruth Herman 1866-1935 Lena 1867-1932 Albert 1894 Ida 1874-1954 Sophia 1844-1930 John 1832-1929 Marjory S 1919- Sarah L 1893-1973 Arthur J 1886-1971 James 7/14/17-5/26/1921 Emma Alvina 2/18/06-1/31/1989 (last 1 buried with Dylla) Ethel 1886-1979 Henry E 1882-1969 Eugene Howard 9/233/53-1/27/1954 (son of Rod-Delores) Chritine Marie 11/19/1986 (child of Russell-Nancy) Girl 1950 (child of W-E) Minnie M 1897-1948 William E.F. 7/18/93-6/18/1958 Delores M 1930-1989 Robert H 1928- married 8/22/1951 parents of: James, Eugene, Karen, Debra, Marilyn Norma M 1924- John B 1923- Theodore P 7/22/02-4/30/1981 Mathilda E 11/29/07-8/18/1984 married 12/4/1935 EMMERSON Jessie E d 8/6/1896 (25 yr, 2 mo, 9 day) Jennie A d 4/20/1897 (27 yr, 4 day) ENGELBY Jerome B 1924- Rozella L 1926- Larry Jerome 1945-1960 ENOCKSON Alexander 1866-1938 Alma 1893-1954 ENSRUD Bernt O 12/16/63-4/19/1948 Randi 5/17/64-1/14/1937 Ruben Benjamin 3/24/95-9/8/1895 (buried with Torgerson) Ole Johnson 10/11/17-8/17/1893 Anna Sophia 1/25/27-1/21/1900 ERDNER Paul H 10/29/77-11/5/1915 Karl 1907-1908 Lorna 1906-1999 (buried with Niebuhr) ERICKSON Elwyn John 1/1/43-6/19/1998 Mabel (Sickels) 1914- Orville Elvin 1907-1988 EVANS Clay L 1/27/96-2/21/1971 Clifford G 9/30/20-10/23/1920 Roger Dale 11/30/26-5/26/1951 Thomas J 4/24/40-10/13/1918 Harriet A 10/10/44-4/6/1922 EWERT Adeline Arlene 1/17/23-10/17/1958 FARLEY Lois Marie 1939-1995 John L 1939-1999 FEIST Leland L 1890-1968 Edna Mae 1894-1982 William S 1888-1965 Dorathea E 1891-1964 Marvin Robert 9/28/19-5/31/1994 Pearl Ruth (Jansen) 9/26/22-10/14/1996 parents of: Mary, Ronald, Gerald, Steven, Michael FELLOWS Flora E 1827-1891 Thomas S 1828-1902 Florence M 1863-1905 FERGUSON Ellen 1/1877-5/1931 (buried with Hall) FETHKE Lilly Emma Tillie 1905-1995 Frank 1902-1995 married 10/3/1923 FISHER Son 8/16/1959 Collin R 1875-1945 Harriette Jane 1878-1950 Frank R 1890-1963 Blanche L 1900-1954 Mary N 4/22/96-6/29/1986 Alvin Henry 9/2/86-4/9/1967 FJELSTAD Mathias H 5/23/46-1/14/1930 Gunda C 10/2/59-2/12/1949 Erling S 2/10/03-12/14/1905 Emil A 8/4/86-1/9/1892 Nils H 1/2/37-9/24/1920 FLETCHER Perry S 10/7/69-10/11/1969 FLOWERS Orlando E 1845-1921 Eliza 1850-1915 FORD Fred P 6/1883-9/1961 Helen K 1859-1957 Carroll E 1850-1939 Edna M 1/7/03-2/2/1998 (sister) (last 1 buried with Kuske) FORSYTHE James 1882-1972 Flora 4/17/86-5/22/1954 FRANCIS Sophia Ann 12/29/26-11/22/1880 (wife of E) Benjamin R 1857-1926 Eliza J 1859-1944 FRANK Michael John 3/22/1946 (8 hr) Harold C 1910-1968 Mabel Eleanor 1912-1999 FREDRICK Larry D 11/6/38-1/27/1988 Joyce B (Mensing) 4/2/32- married 6/19/1981 William F 1900-1965 Mildred M 1915-1973 FREDRICKSON Roy F 1907-1928 Clarence 1898-1962 Eva Ruth 1896-1986 FREIHEIT Justine 1/6/23-5/19/1897 FROST Blanch 5/4/80-3/4/1881 (child of JC-GL) FUCHS William August 4/1/42-5/23/1915 Roger D 9/1/68-9/2/1968 Herman 1887-1969 Emma 1900-1977 William 1877-1963 Elsie 1889-1966 Kevin Robert 2/4/60-10/24/2001