ROSEHILL CEMETERY N - Z Transcription done by Diane Oldfather in 2003. ============================================ From Wells take US 109 West. NELSON Carl E 1887-1959 Hulda A 1888-1938 Harold 5/24/1941 Margery 12/8/02-10/1/1987 John W 2/12/94-8/28/1979 John Harvey 6/8/31-1/12/1932 Vincent R 9/11/21-3/7/1950 Harry J 1886-1954 Tillie 1884-1973 Evelyn (Shear) 7/5/13-5/15/1989 Norris L 5/30/12-1/28/1989 George H JR 12/1/11-5/18/1998 NESJE Janet Ann 8/8/32-7/3/1992 Robert D 1/12/45- NESS Jean (Penny) 1922- Kenneth Alvin 1919-1992 married 2/9/1941 parents of: David, Kathryn, Thomas, Charles NEUBAUER Becka A (Bluhm) 11/14/62- Gregory Marvin 1/26/44-4/4/1990 married 9/7/1983 parents of: Bobbie Jo NICHOLS Elfie 1903-1973 Percy 1900-1975 NIEBUHR Louise H 1/22/74-10/10/1952 John H 3/5/69-2/27/1944 Dorothea Magdalena (Kaiser) 6/15/39-11/23/1905 Johan Heinrich 5/20/39-10/4/1926 Bernhard W.H. 11/9/08-9/22/1909 (son of JH-LH) Alma C 1904-2000 Henry H 1903-1989 parents of: Dick, LaVonna, Ben, Ray Evelyn 1879-1921 Emma (Erdner) 1882-1976 Margaret 1899-1986 Albert 1898-1985 (last 3 buried with Erdner) Henry C 1864-1955 Sophie 10/4/69-4/7/1916 Theodore 1894-1967 Minnie Helen 1901-1984 F.J. 1867-1950 (death records show Fred) S.C. 1870-1969 Herbert 1906-1974 Adella 1908-2002 Alice 1921- Melvin 1920-1979 Kent T 5/9/61-9/2/1991 father of: Joseph, Jenna (husband of Julie) Rebecca A (Eastvold) 8/31/58- Lyle Melvin 9/10/47-7/10/2000 married 12/2/1978 parents of: Jason Rueben John 1921-1996 Adeline Helen (Huper) 1920-1998 parents of: Darlene, Ronald, Diane, Janet Benhardt William 10/7/33-12/16/1997 Grace L (Courrier) 7/24/36- married 8/2/958 parents of: Bradley, Ellen NEITZEL Willie E 1895-1968 Dorothy P 1912- NIXON Fannie L 2/17/65-11/1/1940 James A 1/8/60-10/31/1940 Esther Jane d 1/29/1894 (65 yr) (wife of James) (buried with Phillips) Henry L 1902-1965 Lillian J 1902-1995 NOER Agnes C 1/23/1897-12/30/1998 Herbert L 3/12/99-12/28/1979 Emma C 4/13/78-5/31/1965 H Alfred 11/5/70-8/6/1914 NUTTER Donald R 1/17/13-4/11/1914 O'BRIEN Shirley 1921-1983 Donald O 6/22/19-6/25/1988 O'GROSKE Alma A 1890-1966 Adolph 1887-1963 E. 1835-1920 Wife 1845-1926 (no other name on stone) Arthur Adolph 1918-1993 OACHS Kimberlee Kristine 10/13/78-10/27/1978 OEHLER Gottfried 1848-1918 Maria 1852-1950 OELERKING Selma Anna 3/15/01-1/31/1972 Henry Albert 1/22/96-3/29/1942 Melvin H 1921-2001 Fred J 1894-1973 Millie S 1898-1985 (death records show Amelia) Norman Henry 1925-1993 Phyllis (Buschow) 1928- married 2/5/1947 OGDEN William T 1854-1890 Richard 1917 (son of CA-JE) OHNSTAD Luman A 9/22/75-2/21/1931 Julia S 4/4/78-11/2/1962 Samuel J 3/25/01-7/5/1929 Arthur I 9/20/12-11/30/1935 Leonard J 1902-1974 Selma Johanna 1903-1992 OLSON Mildred Pat 2/19/20-8/14/1981 Oscar H 9/19/09-6/6/1983 (buried with Schulenburg) Florence I 1917-1944 Pearl A 1916-1954 Alpha M 1877-1907 Jennie J 1871-1872 Matt 1843-1918 Anna D 1846- Fred 5/13/82-9/11/1936 James 4/3/30-2/10/1904 Wuanitta I 1908-1935 Everett 1902-1970 Eva L 1889-1892 Anna 1865-1910 John L 1860-1951 S.L. 1865-1919 Sarah 1867-1944 Ervin 1895-1916 Ada J 1891-1932 Hazel 1897-1943 Emmett H 1891-1933 Christina 1870-1957 Nels Peter 1868-1916 Aldina B 1882-1960 Frank L 1873-1959 Bert H 1904-1969 Lillian Marie 1911-1996 Cindy Lou 2/7/57-10/16/1964 David Lee Bert 6/8/44-1/31/1993 Clair A 6/18/29- Dorothy Elizabeth 1/12/26-2/12/1998 parents of: Rhonda, Richard, Randall, Regina, Rebecca Cole Allen 4/24/86-4/29/1986 Leona 1915-1986 OMUNDSON Casper H 6/2/86-11/10/1963 Weltha F 3/30/88-3/9/1960 ORR Mother 2/2/59-10/22/1923 Father 3/10/52-2/19/1923 Nellie M d 5/14/1908 (child of Z-A) Roland S 1888-1958 Anna J 1889-1970 OTT Hazel L 9/7/15-2/24/1918 (child of H-I) Henry 1891-1984 Ina B (Lane) 1896-1978 Eleanor 12/5/27- Gordon 4/21/25-5/13/1995 married 11/1/1947 parents of: Nancy, Connie Leilah (Johns) 11/14/16- Elmer Henry 5/9/13-5/3/2000 OTTE John 8/27/86-12/24/1961 Rose 9/4/85-5/25/1971 (buried with Thom) PAGENKOPF Harold E 12/19/18-9/3/1987 Mary Jean 4/14/26- married 6/20/1946 parents of: Charles, Michelle, Thomas, Marcia PANKONIN John F 1853-1925 Louisa 1858-1934 Aaron J 10/24/84-4/27/1969 Clara H 6/2/89-4/29/1980 PANKOW Estella 1897-1971 Alfred C 1897-1986 married 8/1/1923 Henry F 3/24/59-12/8/1930 Henriette 3/13/65-2/11/1922 PANNKUK John Everett 1/14/35-7/4/1935 PARK Hannah d 11/3/1875 (71 yr, 5 mo, 5 day) (wife of Robert) Abigail S 2/16/37-5/29/1913 Castanus B 11/3/30-4/17/1904 Eli F 11/23/25-9/30/1893 Willie H d 4/10/1872 (18 yr, 1 mo) (son of Eli F-Sylvia) Hariet L 5/5/50-1/23/1916 Azariah P 5/4/35-2/2/1907 Hezekia A 10/11/41-11/9/1899 PARKER Lloyd A 1919- Bernadine C 1919- David Lloyd 10/3/46-1/31/1968 PARMLEY Roda A d 9/29/1870 (20 yr, 2 mo, 2 day) (wife of S) Francis E d 11/9/1870 (3 mo, 26 day) (child of S-RA) PARRIOTT Jessie Gertrude (Lair) 1902-1999 Louran D 1902-1985 PASKE Herman O 1882-1968 Rose L 1885-1940 LaVerna 1917-2000 Rolland 1913-1987 married 1942 Alice J 8/31/24- Orville H 2/1/22- married 9/7/1942 parents of: Jon W, Timothy J PASSER Anna (Phillips) 1896-1927 (buried with Dunbar/Phillips) Mabel 1903-1934 Arthur 1896-1973 Homer G 1892-1934 Margaret I 1896-1950 Mary A 1861-1954 Wilhelm F 1852-1915 (last 4 buried with Brun) Nettie E 1888-1960 Charles E 1889-1946 Edna (Tatge) 1911-1989 Howard Reuben 1909-1996 (last 2 buried with Tatge) Willard C 1925-1950 Donald A 1932-1957 Paul 1/20/59-8/5/1959 Maynard Willard 1917-1988 Norma (Harrison) 1921- married 11/29/1941 Iowen M 1920- PAT'S FAMILY HAUAN Jean 1/9/42-2/22/1990 (buried with Rogge) PATTEN Floyd Jerome 1/12/88-11/27/1972 Dorothy (Draper) 1/24/92-10/4/1967 Jerome Draper 8/5/21-2/25/1929 (buried with Caldwell/Schoen/ Hall/Draper) PAULSON Walter 1895-1918 Raymond E 1901-1918 Just 1858-1912 James 1886 (son of J-M) Martha 1865-1886 (wife of J) Walter 1884-1886 (son of J-M) (buried with Anderson) Oscar P 1883-1967 Anna E 1883-1962 PAYNE Amanda 1881-1972 Evan 1904-1909 Vern 1913-1914 Archie 1880-1950 PEDERSON Victor S 1907-1911 Elsie C 1909-1911 (both children of M) PEIL Carl F 5/1/27-9/24/1946 (US AAF) PENNY Janiece B 1919-1927 (child of OW-IM) Ida 1855-1944 James 1851-1914 Johnnie d 10/2/1887 (2 yr, 9 mo) Marie d 7/26/1896 (6 mo) (both children of J-I) Robert J 1888-1955 Burr R 1894-1976 Anna 1/21/21-8/26/1900 John 7/21/22-6/16/1905 PERRINE Temperence 5/27/34-8/16/1921 John 11/14/26-5/11/1908 PERSONS Lila 1905-1997 PETER August 1889-1954 PETERS Dawn Marie 4/18/1952 (child of Wayne-Bernice) (buried with Weber) PETERSEN Hazel E 3/28/27- James Neal 4/29/19- PETERSON Ageasala 1/4/98-3/24/1980 Arletta I 1909-1975 James O 1902-1983 Ethel 12/4/73-9/6/1953 Lewis 4/1/69-12/30/1918 Donald G 9/8/18-10/19/1919 Michael O 3/29/44-9/5/1963 Victor Carl 8/13/33-6/1/1999 father of: Mark, Brian, Ryan, Vicki PFAHNING Donald 1940-1948 Eldo 1908-1972 Thelma 1907-1993 PFEIFER George E 1914-1973 Hazel R 1918-1963 PHELPS Gregory Webb 2/9/49-11/17/1966 (son of Gene C MD-Jean Webb) PHILLIPS Ethel (Nixon) 5/19/93-3/5/1936 (buried with Nixon) Ida 1880-1936 Mary 1860-1943 (mother) Louis 1842-1925 (father) (last 3 buried with Dunbar/ Passer) PIEL Dora 1861-1937 August 1848-1938 PIEPER Donald G 2/3/22-2/24/1999 Wesley D 1/8/17-1/25/1986 Viola E 9/18/05-9/28/1996 (sister) Elvira V 5/2/03-9/9/1994 (sister) PINNEY Ingeline S d 11/30/1878 (68 yr, 3 mo, 28 day) (wife of ER) PIPER Edna Irene 1/14/00-2/12/1998 Elmer Lawrence 8/6/96-2/25/1962 Eva (Hicks) 1914- mother of: Craig, LaMar, Irving (last 1 buried with LeGrande) PITCHER Avis D (Anderson) 1936- Donald Raymond 1945-1995 married 3/31/1970 parents of: Todd, Troy, Tracy, Jill Blake David 4/19/1995 (son of James-Cheryl) (brother to Nick, Nate, Brittany) POFAHL Minnie 1887-1950 Herman 1880-1967 POOLE William S 1900-1967 Marie C 1910-1985 PORATH John 11/20/77-11/16/1935 (buried with Klenk) POSSIN Melvin M 5/9/26-6/29/1996 father of: Arleigh, Marilyn, Delvin, Lori, Allen, Melanie, Arlett Calvin Frederick 1/24/24-3/29/1998 Bernadine Dorothy (Beyer) 9/27/26-7/13/1996 married 9/15/1947 parents of: LeRoy, Suzanne, Lonny Lyle W 1/29/28-4/26/1978 PRANG Clarence J 1907-1973 Leona E 1906-1968 Louise M 1887-1974 George H.C. 1883-1943 PRANGE Fredrich 11/1/53-8/25/1911 August E 4/15/56-5/24/1943 Caroline F.L. 8/26/26-5/5/1895 Herman Gustave 3/2/29-6/17/1911 Malinda (Krohnberg) 1913- Henry Frederick 1912-1984 Florence Agnes 1912-2001 Alfred H 1913-1979 married 10/31/1933 Herman 5/14/91-11/24/1970 Ida M 1/20/91-6/19/1977 PREGLER Maxine J 1919- Melvin J 1911-1981 married 11/5/1938 PRESCHER Harold O 1917-1977 Margaret S 1919-1969 married 10/10/1939 Roscoe Martin 1914-1993 Pearl (Monson) 1918-2002 parents of: Leann, Neil, Loren PRESTHOLT Richard D 10/22/42-9/5/1963 PRESTON Lawrence A 1898-1969 Fannie C 1896-1978 PUINA Connie May 1927-1963 PURDIE Elvira 1866-1928 John 1862-1936 William Thomas 9/15/95-12/9/1933 Bessie Pearl 1/1/03-12/3/1993 married 11/28/1923 John James 1/24/32-9/23/2002 Arthur K 9/12/06-4/1/1962 Melva M 1915-1986 Lucille I 3/21/40-5/10/1942 Harry A 1893-1979 Violet A 1892-1963 PURDY Girl 3/6/1920 (child of George-Emma) George Howard 8/6/82-3/28/1936 Emma 6/24/87-4/24/1976 PUTZ Edna A 4/27/14- Arthur O 10/6/10-8/7/1976 QUADE Ella 11/2/80-7/26/1948 Albert J 11/25/83-8/22/1953 Lylia Ida 12/1/15-1/6/2000 Albert O 7/27/17- Guy R 8/28/50-2/26/1981 Albert R 12/15/43- LaRee Annette 5/24/47-9/25/1997 married 10/7/1967 parent of: Annette, Damon QUIMBY Mary L 1845-1877 Hosea F 1844-1907 Caroline 1845-1927 (buried with Heckel/Cory) Harry L 1886-1942 QUINN Elvia 1920-2003 Charles 1924- parents of: Tom, Nancy RABENS Fredrick 1867-1936 Emma 1874-1959 RADKE John Friedrich 1/8/56-9/9/1909 Emilie C 1862-1926 Edna 1901-1920 RAIMANN Kurt Donald 7/17/1972 Jennifer Lynn 2/21/1977 Donald D 10/4/51-1/1/1997 Kathryn J 3/24/52- married 1/22/1972 parents of: Kurt, Tracy, Jennifer, Trisha RASMUSSEN Hans 1896-1916 James 9/24/60-10/20/1920 Christine 2/12/69-4/30/1957 Jesse M 5/30/89-10/5/1962 Gertrude 10/27/89-3/23/1963 Harte P 2/17/95-3/4/1978 Grace L 8/23/97-7/21/1974 Elisabeth (no dates) Hans J 12/8/11-3/22/1967 RATHAI Leora (Niebuhr) 1933-1983 Roger Gene 1927-1998 married 8/4/1955 parents of: Jeff, Jodi, Scott RATIGAN John J 1/26/16-10/5/1985 RAUSCHENBERGER Henry 1888-1957 (buried with Weitzel) Leona Bertha 1906-1996 Carl A 1897-1980 REDMAN Milton E 1893-1918 (Co H-136th Inf) Henry 1885-1960 Ruth 1888-1973 married 1909 Henriette 1851-1936 Fred W 1850-1927 Darlene L 3/10/26- Marvin W 4/7/17-10/21/1978 married 9/25/1945 REESER Charles Edwin 2/19/87-3/14/1961 REMINGTON C. 10/4/24-10/5/1898 (death records show Copeland) Mary E 6/30/36-11/23/1895 RENTZ Frank B 7/4/93-7/16/1963 Anna M 1899-1999 Lillian B 4/7/28- Raymond R 10/20/22-4/4/1982 George 1867-1947 Marie 1869-1959 RHODEN Ethel (Weston) 1900-1990 (death records show Mary Ethel) Marvin L 1908-1988 married 9/2/1962 RINGHAM Mark Allen 3/1951 ROBERTS Kelsa 1868-1938 Alma 1886-1962 Florance A 6/5/09-8/1/1911 William H 1844-1934 Sarah A 1845-1927 Henry M 1872-1936 Cecelia 1878-1956 Kelsa M 1901-1956 Bernard 1944-2001 Bernard E 1917-1986 Carrie Mae 5/14/04-9/7/1917 (child of GT-L) Thomas 1870-1945 Lucinda 1874-1949 Daniel C 8/25/94-1/29/1968 Annie 8/27/03-9/23/1980 married 8/11/1919 Giles T 3/14/26-8/222/1993 Lillian E 8/16/22- married 6/1/1947 parents of: Audrey Lea, Gail Lynn Bonnie Z 2/12/25-9/9/1991 Marvin Daniel 4/30/20-3/18/1998 married 1/2/1942 Daniel T 2/20/43-4/11/1978 father of: Shawn, Shane Sharon Ann 7/12/56-7/17/1991 RODAHL Gladys (Rasmusson) 7/29/16-12/30/2002 Carl Leonard 12/10/11-8/5/1990 Oscar A 2/4/09-7/31/1967 Margit (Singelstad) 5/16/19- Lewis O 2/26/07-3/17/1985 ROESLER Selma M 1891-1960 Arthur B 1888-1972 Chester H 1900-1971 Georgina R 1896-1966 Glendoris C 1922- Wesley E 1920-1959 ROGGE Delores 1921 John Edward 12/27/15-11/6/1989 Patricia P 1/27/22- Norbert L 9/21/17-9/7/1978 (last 1 buried with "Pat's Family") ROHRER Ida M 1875-1973 ROLLENHAGEN Bertha 1867-1939 Martha 1886-1971 Otto 1885-1975 Herman 4/27/71-2/14/1918 Edward W 7/30/02-12/2/1938 Fred 1892-1985 Addie Elsie 1894-1985 Herman 1890-1973 Bertha 1901-1978 Harold 6/2/10- Beulah 4/16/10-1/3/2001 married 2/28/1935 parents of: Arlyss, Harlan ROLLINS Marian L 1924- mother of: Sharon, Ron, Christine ROSE Mother 1861-1918 (death records show H.) (buried with Berg) ROSENOW William F 1869-1950 Clara L 1877-1920 Harold W d 2/27/1905 (51 day) RUENGER Wilhelmine 8/27/50-8/8/1896 RUFFING Callistus 1908-1972 Marjorie 1908-2000 Jacqulon J (Dombroske) 5/18/29-1/16/2000 Bruce Herbert 4/27/22-9/29/1994 Ruth (King) 9/16/04-7/7/1986 Herbert J 12/8/93-9/12/1982 RUGGE Clara 1894-1973 John F 1891-1983 RUSS Margaret Winellen 1912-1995 John Frederick 1908-1983 RUSSELL Betsey B 6/19/11-10/5/1852 (wife of Ira) SADER Girl 1970 (1 hr) Son 1971 (1 hr) Son 1972 (all children of Jerry-Sandee) Lloyd 6/25/23-8/5/1996 Ardean C 1922- married 11/1/1944 parents of: Jerald, Dale, Steven, Brian, Scott SAHR Lylah M 1918- Frederick M 1917- married 7/15/1940 Fern A 1915- Ella M 1876-1972 Frederick R 1872-1922 SAILOR Mildred 7/3/31- Gerald 2/3/27- married 1/18/1954 SALZMANN Eriedebald 1846-1919 Maria 1858-1935 Paul H 1882-1958 Arthur H 1891-1946 (buried with Maxwell) Wendell 6/27/23-12/5/1984 Floyd S 12/19/18-2/1/1943 Gladys M 1886-1975 Robert F 1886-1961 Merlyn W (no dates) Shirley A (Brietkreutz) (no dates) parents of: LuAnn, Randall SAMPSON Margaret S 3/25/13-5/17/1999 Elmer J 6/13/10-11/14/1983 SANASAC ?? (just stone with last name) SANDSTROM Hilda A 1892-1978 SATARA Robert 12/9/86-5/8/1964 Belle 1893-1980 SAUCKE Henry H 1852-1921 Wilhelmina 1871-1955 (buried with Melcher) John William 3/5/95-11/14/1965 Edith Ann 1905-1980 Oscar W 1897-1965 Gesena 1893-1976 SAUER Leon W d 8/7/1925 (US Navy) (death records show birth- 1899) John C 2/1866-11/1923 Mary L 1/1867-2/1922 Hazel H 1900-1984 Earl H 1894-1974 (last 2 buried with Thompson) Irene 1904-1981 Hilton 1897-1981 married 1924 Lorriane (Thisius) 6/8/30- Richard 6/13/29-8/9/1982 married 10/10/1949 parents of: Jim, Dave SAUKE William 11/27/58-1/28/1919 SCHALLIBAUM Emil 1851-1887 Agnes O 1863-1949 SCHIEK Bernhard F 12/6/89-9/11/1911 August 1851-1927 SCHINKE Henry 1878-1929 Tillie 1888-1983 SCHIRMER Emilie 1870-1963 Albert 8/18/69-4/26/1908 Arthur H.A. 11/23/02-11/27/1902 Albert W 1/10/09-1/18/1909 Leonard O 3/15/93-2/26/1972 Leona 1907-1993 Otto F 1877-1970 Anna C 1887-1970 SCHMIDT William J 1892-1962 Sarah A 1901-1985 Orville John 1/18/25-2/4/1948 Yvonne 1935- Orlend 1923-1978 David W 10/14/62-1/4/2003 father of: Derek, Samantha, Bo Alice Anna 1923-1997 George W (no dates) Donald G.F. (no dates) Mary Jane 1/5/46-2/4/1985 (last 2 children of George W- Alice A) William S 1932-2000 (son of William-Sarah) Sharon Eleanor (Harms) (no dates) (child of Earl-Alta) parents of: Elaine, Ronald, Cheryl, Marlys, Steven SCHNEIDER Son 11/27/1936 (son of Alton-Sereta) (buried with Kelley/ Anderson) SCHNOOR Bertha C 1872-1963 Henry 1874-1933 Louis 1877-1935 Clara 1886-1980 Emil W 1898-1926 Louise Marie 2/14/00-12/27/1989 August E 4/19/91-4/17/1969 Hazel (Dwyer) 1894-1918 Ida 1887-1963 SCHNORR Emma 1897 (3 day) Edward 1908-1910 Herman 1912-1913 Emma 1871-1939 Herman 1871-1940 Mary 1870-1955 William 1866-1933 SCHOEN Marjorie (Draper- Caldwell) 12/14/93-6/22/1991 (buried with Draper/Patten/ Hall/Caldwell) SCHOFIELD Baby 1922 Baby 11/7/1925 SCHOLENBURG Henry 1840-1914 Sophia 1851-1925 Charles H 1/9/85-3/31/1932 Sara 11/25/87-9/17/1975 Alwin 12/17/05-12/21/1905 Margaret 11/21/06-11/22/1906 (both children of Albert- Emma) (buried with Olson) Girl 9/27/1907 Gwendolyn 1917-1918 SCHOW Frank F 1854-1934 SCHRADER Theodore G 1877-1965 Mary M 1877-1961 Dolores Evelyn 1904-1993 Margaret C (no dates) Roy 1899-1971 Emma M 1910- SCHREIBER Henry A 10/2/39-6/25/1915 Mary 6/1/37-4/10/1914 Minnie (Sell) 1870-1922 Henry W 1871-1945 Harold H 4/14/03-8/29/1985 Dale Frederick 1939-1990 Anna S 1907-1967 Wesley W 1908-1960 Daryl Dean 2/16/38-3/22/1999 Carole L (Orcutt) 12/16/35- SCHRIVER Fred V 1884-1970 Preppa N 1894-1975 SCHROEDER George 11/13/96-11/18/1896 Lena Clara 2/16/98-2/17/1898 Harvey 2/13/02-2/18/1902 Minnie 1868-1922 Frank 1848-1921 Fred 3/5/1900 Ernest F 3/17/93-1/1/1949 Marie 1886-1971 John 1845-1916 Anna 1846-1921 Frank H 6/26/72-2/8/1938 Mary Theresa 2/25/1879-4/9/1979 Catherine 1884-1918 John F 1881-1958 Carl 4/11/45-9/22/1908 Freidrick 3/22/48-3/26/1910 Louis F 4/22/06-5/28/1979 Herman A 9/26/68-4/10/1926 Mathilde 5/19/82-3/7/1964 Walter D 1909-1971 Berneice 1913-1996 Frank A 12/22/94-8/4/1974 Carmen J 12/6/96-6/4/1992 (last 2 buried with Tatarak) Timothy C 4/27/64-4/29/1964 Rosann Marie 4/29/63-5/6/1963 Myrtle (Chilson) 1915-1990 Roger Willliam 1915-1999 Mildred Wilhelmina 1913-1996 Hazel 1925- (both children of Henry A-Anna) Henry A 1889-1960 Anna A 1887-1957 Carl F 12/24/88-1/30/1963 Minnie M 1897-1967 (death records show Wilhelmina) Elvoy 8/15/28-7/20/1990 Lavauna J 7/31/31-12/14/1999 parents of: Terry, Trudy grandparents of: Mark, Lisa, Derek, Heather, Amber, Callen, Kurt Oscar Arnold 1/27/06-1/26/1996 father of: Norbert, Marion, Eugene, Adrian (14 grandchildren, 31 great- grandchildren) Darlene Tillie Alice 7/30/37-11/5/1994 Adrian 10/8/34-5/8/1999 Travis F 6/22/60-10/9/1980 Joseph Ralph 5/30/56-4/12/1975 SCHROYER Dale Graham 1928-1941 (buried with Graham) SCHULENBURG Baby 12/24/1929 Herman 1874-1955 Damon D 10/17/19-1/5/1965 Herold H 1904-1975 Helen M 1905- Olga 1883-1960 Joyce M 6/13/22-4/1/2000 Jay A 6/15/24-4/19/2000 SCHULL Girl 5/1962 SCHULTZ Carl 9/23/41-8/23/1919 Helene 12/8/1845- Edna 6/25/06-12/12/1923 Raymond 1907-1921 Clara I 12/30/82-8/21/1938 Minna 8/8/64-1/1/1933 Lewis 5/2/62-4/21/1931 Dale E 1951-1971 Lynette Anna (Miller) 1923-1989 Ralph Paul 1912-1991 SCHULZ Louis A 1873-1935 Herman Marlin Carl 1870-1925 Marie Dorothy Elizabeth 191-1992 Albert H.A. 1910-1958 Edith J 1935- Norman A 1933-1978 Anna M 1905-1997 Emil C 1900-1960 Walter Henry 1912-1998 Beatrice Muriel (Dezell)1910-1993 parents of: Richard, Jerald, Joyce, Charles Richard 1934-1951 SCHUMAKER William F 1893-1986 Milla M 1899-1977 Emma 1894-1980 SCHUTTA Myrtle A 2/1/02-10/30/1965 SCHWEEK Myrtle E 1892-1957 George C 1893-1963 C.H. 1867-1927 (death records show Conrad) SCHWENDICK Ardis Lucille 1910-1983 (buried with McColley) SCRIVER Florence L 1886-1975 Malinda H 1906-1984 Earl A 1900-1973 Merrill W 10/20/94-5/16/1950 Helen R 1864-1945 William H 1859-1939 SEEDORF Dorothy Sophia 191-1998 SEGAR David Del 9/28/44-9/29/1944 Dellia F 3/8/10-2/26/1974 Helen R 12/15/10-3/31/1981 Girl 3/17/1943 Frank 11/24/87-10/29/1952 Josephine 8/12/89-10/7/1952 Robert Charles 4/1/15-4/20/1980 SEIDLITZ Louise Dorthea 1899-1996 William Fred 11/9/92-3/3/1971 SEVERSON Luella 1920- Biford 1913-1973 married 1941 SHANK Asa Howard 1890-1969 Mabel L 1892-1989 Howard W 7/16/16-7/21/1979 Edgar K 1/20/12-3/24/1982 SHELDON Anna M 9/21/64-6/16/1907 (wife of CM) Miles M 3/19/19-5/14/1899 Elizabeth 1853-1924 Oscar C 1843-1922 SHELLEN Gladys 1901-1982 Arley B 1897-1943 Emil d 5/18/1907 (38 yr) Myrtia 1877-1956 SHELLIN John Gustav Edvin 12/8/80-7/12/1881 (son of A-M) Truman 1900-1980 Grace 1898-1956 SHIPLEY Mary A 1874-1946 Grant U 1869-1943 SHIRK Mary (Holway) 7/13/78-8/29/1962 (buried with Holway) SICKLE Isadore H 1868-1935 Halia H 1904-1971 Stella I 1873-1952 SIDDALL Eugene A 1862-1943 Miranda L (Colby) 1862-1934 SIEBEL Frederick W REV 2/24/69-12/27/1909 SIEBERT Charles 1849-1904 Wilhelmina 1853-1927 Charles H 1882-1925 Emma 10/12/80-11/15/1958 (Navy Nurse-WW) Dorothea 1888-1906 Irene 1891-1892 SHIELD Franchon V 1901-2001 John H 1901-1949 SIEVERT Fritz 1887-1955 SLAUGHTER Minnie H 8/2/16-8/21/1964 Ralph 1911-1998 Maude M 1887-1973 Arthur G 1880-1953 SMITH Edward Franklin d 3/23/1883 (7 yr, 6 mo) Egbert P d 8/18/1874 (1 yr, 1 mo, 18 day) (children of BF-SE) E Houston 1859-1921 Catherine (Colby) 1864-1927 LaMar J 11/6/26-12/17/1944 George A 1883-1955 Maude B 1890-1942 (last 3 buried with Brandenburg) Carmen M 4/1919-6/1974 (last 1 buried with Johnson/Kaiser) SMOUT Charles L d 8/12/1886 (26 yr) SONNEK Jerome Joseph 1/15/19-1/13/1997 Marian M (Boeck) 9/6/24- parents of: Gerold, Dean SOOST Henry Wilhelm 1913-1998 Alice Arlene (Kontzelmann) 1919-2000 parents of: Kenneth, Lori John W (no dates) Doryce J (no dates) married 4/11/1944 parents of: John C, James M, Jerald P Henry F 1879-1968 Anna E 1885-1967 Albert William 1907-1988 Adeline E 1917-2002 (daughter) Edna L 1919-1988 (daughter) Arthur G 1910-1967 Edna L 1910-2001 Irene Ila Mae 1919-1999 George Carl H 1908-1945 Edward A 1918- Bessie M 1930- parents of: Judy, Wayne, Cindy Berneda A (Oelerking) 8/8/24- Walter F 1/6/15-12/28/1982 SORENSEN Herman Andres 1879-1947 Soren Marinus 1877-1919 Ida Maria 1880-1925 (wife of Herman) Laural Irene 1925 (child of H) SORENSON Christopher A 11/10/79-12/25/1998 (son of Kim-Becky) (brother of Mandy) Russell E 12/20/12-11/16/1999 Irene G 10/30/16- Audrey E (Ott-Olds) 1938- Roy L 1933-1983 SOUTHWICK Flossie d 10/21/1880 (4 yr, 4 mo, 11 day) (child of FC-GM) STECKELBERG Ernest J 1896-1971 Lillie H 1899-1968 Girl 1974 John 10/3/28- Milda 9/15/28- married 8/23/1950 STEINHAUER Emma 1863-1949 William 1858-1923 STEINMEIER Henry G 1847-1928 Mary E 1855-1929 Lee 1903-1930 STELLMACHER Gustave J 1883-1936 Gustave J 1841-1919 Pauline Ottilie 1850-1909 Elizabeth 1877-1916 (buried with Jepp) Ferdinand Ludwig 8/22/32-12/13/1901 STEMM Blanche (Brown) 1898-1976 (buried with Brown) STENSRUD Kenneth H 9/22/34- Barbara Ann 2/8/35- married 9/11/1955 parents of: Valerie, Greg, Rick STEPHAN Gweneth A 1923-1988 Matie A 1894-1988 Edward Charles 1891-1958 STEPHAS Adam Paul 11/3/1998 (son of Troy-Diane) (buried with Lindley) STERN William H 1894-1969 Caroline M.C. 1896-1985 Willard 1920- Ione 1922- Melvin W 1919-1988 Marie C 1923- parents of: Keith, Kent (last 2 buried with Korn) Merlin B 9/4/25-2/26/1987 STOEN Juno Aaron 2/7/24-11/17/1999 Eileen L (Burns) 2/17/26- parents of: James grandparents of: Anthony, Rebecca, Clinto STOLTZ Sophia 8/25/99-7/14/1915 (buried with Schroeder) Fred Carl 1912-1990 Genevieve A 1914- (last 2 buried with Sorenson) Mary S 6/13/77-10/5/1957 Fred C 4/19/61-6/6/1944 Leo E 1903-1964 STOUGAARD Kristine 10/11/10-10/10/1918 STRAW Nelly 9/8/72-9/30/1872 Daniel 5/17/47-7/18/1891 Florence 4/6/48-10/28/1907 STREHLOW Anna 1882-1959 Albert 1881-1923 Elizabeth 1915-1981 Mildred Marie 1910-1997 STRID ?? (only stone with last name) (death records show 3: Josephine-died at 89 C.T.-died at 87 Reuben T-died at 75) STROTHMAN ?? 1884-1941 (buried with Lord) SUMERWELL Jean (Gohde) 12/8/22-7/24/1954 Girl 3/10/1948 (buried with Gohde) SUSERUD Martha 5/7/95-7/7/1916 ?? (couldn't read) SVENNINGSEN Chris T 1907- Mina B 1910- SWEET Clifford L 1885-1951 Delbert H 1936-1951 Edna 1904-1976 Marvin 1907-1977 SWENSON Melford 1907-1967 Arlene 1912-2001 Emmanuel H 1910-1986 Hannah A 11/12/87-3/5/1971 Christina B 1/10/70-5/19/1965 Hans E 8/16/63-10/14/1939 Bernice E 4/26/12-8/6/1923 Rudolph W 1895-1982 Walter R 1902-1979 TATARAK Paulette C 8/6/1947 (child of Paul J-Lorraine C) Franklin P 5/25/53-10/25/1972 Paul John 6/10/22-8/13/1974 Lorraine C 9/16/24- (buried with Schroeder) Nathan Andrew 9/13/77-3/25/1978 TATGE William 1849-1923 Sophie 1849-1900 William A 1872-1935 Augusta 1874-1954 (last 2 buried with Gray) Edward 1878-1949 Minnie 1885-1953 (last 2 buried with Passer) Henry F 1896-1961 Lillie M 1898-1990 parents of: Bernadine, Elmer Elmer M 1927- Caroline E 1935- parents of: Elaine, David, Dale, Carol Esther L 10/8/14- Melvin E 9/5/12- TAYLOR Abby Jane 3/29/52-2/2/1912 Aaron A 11/2/43-3/1/1930 Harvey C 1900-1962 Clara Emilie 1903-1993 married 7/31/1960 TELLET Ida May 9/23/58-2/14/1951 Joy 9/10/60-7/6/1945 TENHOFF Jacob 5/22/34-4/30/1918 Sophie 10/28/52-8/31/1914 TERRELL Emma T 1863-1938 TEUFERT LeRoy E 1911-1995 Mildred E 1914- parents of: Anity, Yvonne, Mavis THANE Lars 1886-1931 Gudrun (Larsen) 1887-1970 THEEDE Louise 1900-1989 Marie 1895-1983 Dorathea 1860-1933 Heinrich 1858-1915 Esther F 1896-1956 Henry F 1891-1981 THISIUS W.H. 1874-1910 Herman 1885-1940 Marie 1891-1974 Marvin W 10/10/12-4/29/1980 Fred 1889-1890 Carl 1893 Martin 1898-1904 Henry 1850-1931 Emma 1857-1951 Baby 1903 Baby 1900 Gustav 1889-1891 (buried with Nehls) Lizzie 1880-1952 Henry C 1873-1952 Bennie d 6/8/1905 (2 yr, 8 mo, 18 day) (son of HC-LK) Anna E (Niebuhr) 1902-1981 Edward Fred 1896-1991 Beverly 10/1/26-2/24/1927 Lydia 1909-1981 Ernest 1906-1975 Emma 1888-1979 Louie 1878-1949 Myrtle Emma 1911-1991 Leonard H 1909-1978 Juliane A 1953-1972 Wilma D (Forbes) 1926- Gerald Henry 1920-1989 THOM Dorothea 2/12/82-3/7/1969 Carl 11/25/77-8/22/1948 (buried with Otte) THOMAS LaVonne M 7/22/33-3/18/2000 Robert Walter 1929-1993 DaVange M 1933- married 1950 parents of: Vicki, Shari, Jody, Mark, Jacci Lloyd A 1938-1972 Harold E 1894-1963 Elsie E 1897-1966 Lloyd L 1909-1985 Bernadine M 1919-2002 THOMPSON Laura L (Sauer) 8/10/90-11/19/1918 (buried with Sauer) Ole N 1897-1945 (last 1 buried with Dunbar) THORSON Ben 1885-1970 Millie 1888-1976 married 12/11/1907 Maxine (Purdie) 1928- Wallace Benford 6/25/26-3/9/2000 married 7/31/1952 parents of: Craig, Debra, Jenifer, Kristi, Todd THRALOW Irene Louisa 9/20/96-6/19/1897 TIEDMAN Leslie 12/30/20- Carmen 4/20/26-11/2/1996 married 7/16/1945 parents of: Sue, Rick TINKCOM Daniel L 1856-1951 TOLZMANN William 1904-1984 Arlene Rosina (Giese) 1925-1998 William F 1881-1956 Marie 1887-1945 Eldren G 1954-1969 (son of Eldren-Norma) Henry C 1875-1954 Emma Anna 1883-1973 Norma M 7/28/23-12/25/1994 Lillian (Hoeschst) 1904-2001 Harry Reuben 1903-1994 married 9/26/1923 Carl H 1904-1965 Ethel E 1912-1999 married 7/20/1948 TORGERSON Ellen 1851-1936 (buried with Ensrud) TORGUSEN John S 6/18/59-5/7/1978 TRAPTOW Jakob 7/12/96-9/2/1898 Esther 7/7/03-12/26/1909 (both children of W-E) Henry F 1890-1969 Amelia 1866-1959 William 1861-1943 TREPTOW William C 1892-1987 Elsie Louise 1894-1991 Howard W 1925- Norma L 1927- parents of: Jerry, Larry, Linden, Mike, Sue, Peg, Keith, Chad Elva A (Kuntzelmann) 4/6/11-11/25/1987 Arnold W 2/15/06-2/22/1988 married 6/14/1934 parents of: Karen TUFTE Margaret (Mertin) 1926-1990 TURNER Ada E 8/22/57-12/16/1934 Stephen 2/14/65-1/1/1915 (buried wit Helle) TYRRELL Edward L 1905-1968 Ella Irene 1907-1987 Dennis E 1943- Linda J 1945- UGGEN Robert C 1941 Edith L 1914-1998 Glenn A 1909-1996 Martin Edwin 1/5/82-1/12/1947 Inez Marie 7/27/84-3/15/1965 URBAIN Denton 1932-1988 father of: Michael, Renee VASQUEZ Josephine V 12/22/34-12/9/1935 VELOSKE Malinda A 1/16/63-11/2/1947 John S 12/21/62-9/13/1941 VEUM Cora (Wilder) 12/22/81-12/26/1960 Ole A 8/22/79-2/23/1915 VIRGIN Hulda M 1896-1960 Henry C 1888-1961 Bernadine 6/5/14-1/27/1919 VOGELSANG Carol M 1950-1964 Esther E 1912- Walter R 1910- VOGELSONG Harry Ray 1/29/16-10/25/1918 VOIGHT Hilbert L 1930- Bernadine A 1931- married 10/17/1954 parents of: Juli, Randy, Jacki JuliAnn R 1957-1980 Randall L 10/25/59-12/30/1993 WALDREF Abigail S (Weeks) d 7/30/1884 (53 yr, 3 mo, 10 day) (wife of M) WALGREN Carl R 1892-1972 Selma O 1891-1995 WATSON Frederic Newall 5/4/78-9/5/1878 (son of FE-FM) Frankie Margaret 1855-1908 Frederic Eugene 1846-1934 Winifred 1875-1927 WEBER Cecelia F 1894-1948 Ervin D 1889-1953 (buried with Peters) WEBERG Lorentz 1911-1947 WECKWERTH Paul C 1898-1957 Irene A 1901-1960 WEDIN Milo G 7/1/96-9/11/1962 Bertha E 1896-1977 Harvey L 1903-1955 Vera D 1907-1964 WEGNER Scott Alan 11/9/56-4/5/1981 WEINER Mildred G 5/22/02-10/16/2000 Fred J 12/13/93-4/7/1964 WEITE Lois L 10/16/22-3/14/1971 Maynard V 7/6/26-12/11/1947 Victor A 1900-1981 Edith E 1903-1993 WEITZEL Reuben 12/14/22-7/16/1924 (son of Henry-Katherine) Jake 1909-1957 Joseph 5/31/15-2/4/1959 Anna M 1911-1968 (last 3 buried with Rauschenberger) Henry A 1868-1946 Katherine E 1885-1946 Betty Lou 1939-1979 (last 1 buried with Mogensen) Robert P 4/17/31-4/13/2000 WELLS Jeanne 1918-1936 Lulu 1886-1967 LeRoy 1879-1961 WENDT Paul A 1/12/69-7/22/1964 Ortwin W 1903-1965 Minnie L 1906-1994 (death records show-Wilhelmina Leona Amanda) WENTE Ann E 10/27/99-3/5/1976 Fred W 2/8/94-6/7/1950 WERTMAN Charlotte J 1878-1952 Edward L 1873-1953 Claude 1906-1967 Esther 1913- WESTON Harriet 1854-1940 Mark P 1866-1958 Cora E 1869-1962 Ethel M 1900- Charles W 1898-1959 WETZEL William L 2/3/94-6/30/1963 August 5/28/91-12/24/1923 August 1888-1970 Clara 1897-1970 Frieda H (Froehlich) 1927- Elmer J 1927-1983 parents of: Alan, Beverly, Gary, Daryl, Timothy, Kristine WHIPPLE Frank S 1854-1935 Mary C 1858-1938 WHITCOMB Grover C 1885-1971 Sadie A 1886-1958 Dale L 1919-1981 Arlene B 1923-1981 WHITE Baby 1/4/1927 (child of Melbourne-Elsie) Elsie 1905- Melbourne 1900-1994 Nordean 1913-1975 William E 1907-1992 WHITEIS Casius E 3/28/85-4/7/1885 Clarence M 6/26/89-7/16/1889 (both sons of I-M) Isaiah 1845-1908 Melissa 1847-1938 Leslie J 5/19/79-1899 Isaac P (no dates) (Co C-4th MN Inf) George E 1870-1957 Elsie E 1888-1984 Marjorie V (West) 1915-1994 Carol James 1914-1983 WHITMORE Fred H 1870-1941 Emma 1888-1981 Maud A 11/2/92-12/28/1947 Harry D 5/6/91-11/29/1941 Baby 9/24/1917 WHITNEY Loren 8/12/81-12/20/1891 Arthur C 1/29/52-12/7/1894 WILDER Marvin E 6/7/24-3/9/1935 Lillie L 6/9/96-1/9/1969 Edward A 4/16/89-2/17/1971 Minnie 1875-1931 John 1871-1947 Marcus 1880-1962 Erma 1920-1979 WILLE Henry 9/14/61-3/3/1940 H. 2/12/63-10/12/1891 Selma Maria 5/5/96-7/15/1896 Fred 9/12/51-5/15/1926 Minnie 2/17/55-4/12/1908 Fred B 8/15/91-5/4/1945 Gustav A 7/16/96-12/15/1955 (last 4 buried with Thisius) Herman C 1881-1915 Emma M 1888-1984 John 1883-1966 Bertha 1883-1975 Geraldine 1918-1932 (last 3 buried with Hansen) Emma 1875-1947 Albert 1862-1945 Emil L 1897-1975 Lydia L 1899-1956 Palmer C 5/21/29-2/23/1978 WILLIAMSON Girl 1914 (child of AE-Delia) WILLIE Otto W 1893-1980 Ida C 1896-1933 WINTER Donna Marie (Hober) 6/12/28- Eugene A 1/3/28-9/12/2001 married 7/18/1952 parents of: Paul, Edith, Lynn Elsie H 1888-1981 (buried with Wright) WIPPLINGER Valerie 1943- Helen W (Paske) 1911- George Otto 1907-1984 WOLF Herbert J 1910-2001 Jeanette H 1910- WONDRA Joseph C 1924-1977 Darlene M 1928-1967 WOOD Joe d 4/7/1871 (1 yr, 3 mo, 14 day) (son of WB-BE) Doris J (Hanson) 1942- Grant Leonard 10/29/40-11/7/2001 married 8/26/1962 parents of: Jody, Tom, Jennifer WOODARD Lucretia M.V. 4/19/20-6/5/1895 Grant 8/7/62-4/28/1898 WOODWORTH John Clark 1919-1920 WORDELMAN Max REV 1876-1949 Katherine 1875-1958 Edith 8/8/02-7/13/1904 Alvin Henry 1905-1984 Alice Tacy 1906-1995 Evelyn B 1910-1984 Reuben E 1907- WRIGHT Edith (Winter) 1956-1998 (buried with Winter) WUERFLEIN Marlin 1912-1995 Lozira 1912-2000 WYLLIE Stewart 1825-1907 YONKEY Darlene Dorothy 5/3/41-6/28/2003 Evelyn Laura 1906-1979 Dallas C 1903-1958 YOUNG William H 6/24/91-11/7/1940 Margaret A 6/12/98-7/4/1992 Wilbert Emery 1913-1999 Ruby Irene (Bratsch) 1902-2001 Chester N 1902-1983 Wesley 1900-1984 YOUNGBERG Beatrice E 1903-1973 ZABEL Evelyn J 1926-1987 Donald F 1924- parents of: Dennis (buried with Giese) Eleanor Irene Beulah 4/30/23-1/12/1993 Alvin E 4/26/23- Sherry D 4/21/46-12/31/2000 (wife of Harold) mother of: Dan, Matt Hart ZEHM Charles Herbert 2/20/43-2/24/1999 ZIELIE Richard M 6/15/45-7/16/1984 Muriel J (Passer) 1922- Donald Richard 1918-1987 ZIMMERMAN Sarah Elldora 1867-1934 Gustavous 1853-1930 Beuford 1899-1939 ZOLLER Evelyn 1918- Albert 1908-1981