St. Casimer's Cemetery (M-Z) Transcription done by Diane Oldfather in 2003. ============================================ This cemetery is on US 109 West of the town of Wells. It is on the very edge of town, on the left side of the road. It is in Section 8 of Clark Township. Some of the dates were written in another language, so I tried to copy them to the best of my ability. I'm sure some of them are spelled wrong though. MADZO Agnes 1909-1998 (daughter) Anastasia 1877-1966 Michael 1863-1950 Irene 1913-1994 (daughter) Michael JR 1915-1985 Clara 1911- Joseph 5/25/11-8/28/1972 MAINS Ida M 1868-1946 Robert K 1854-1936 MANDLER Ashley Lynn 9/12/95-9/13/1995 (child of Bruce-Amy) MANWARREN Robert A 10/27/42- Bruce A 4/2/56- Richard 9/18/1943 Marie Martha (Hefner) 5/13/13-2/18/1999 Judson Anthony 12/24/11-6/16/1993 married 6/30/1941 parents of: Robert, Richard, Patricia, William, Kathleen, Bruce MC CARTY Patrick 12/17/40-5/17/1907 Anne (O'Brien) 12/25/46-11/28/1932 MC HUGH Nellie 1896-1901 Father Lawrence J 1900-1931 (priest) Lawrence J 6/20/61-11/19/1914 MC MAHON Delphine G 1907-1998 George T 1905-1979 MELLANDREZ Son 6/21/1961 MERTENS Anna 1860-1934 MEYER Earl Francis 10/18/1951 Lena K 1909-2002 Kenneth M 1947-1966 Elizabeth 1868-1940 Valentine 1866-1965 Aloysius J 1898-1924 (last 1 buried with Lee/Brown/ Killion) MIGELIS Gertrude E 1894-1974 John B 1885-1969 MIKOLAI Girl 1980 (child of Debra-Michael) Ignatius E 1885-1962 Barbara 1848-1927 Frank 1841-1928 Daniel 1908-1934 Loretta 1916-1930 Mary 1883-1970 Joseph 1873-1927 Eulocius 1902-1904 Roman D 1905-1975 Father 1869-1920 (priest) Albert A 1883-1936 Anna F 1883-1973 Anselm P 1914-1982 Helen R 1923-1942 (daughter) Raymond A 1922 Frances 1875-1939 Andrew 1895-1923 Henry 1887-1922 Julia 1878-1890 MILLER Loretta Catherine 9/3/06-3/24/1919 Katherine 1/8/78-7/2/1953 Mathias J 10/4/79-4/2/1919 Girl (no dates) (child of Gary-Rose) Rose 5/19/40- Gary 2/12/38- married 4/28/1959 parents of: James, Girl MODZO Maria Maya/15/67-2/13/1899 MOGENSEN Ruth Mary (Whalen) 11/11/11-9/13/1991 Lars Nielsen 3/11/04-1/16/1991 MOSSER Mary 1866-1915 George JR 1867-1942 Annie H 1930- Ray E 1916-1986 Marlys Jean (Stenber) 6/24/37-12/1/1991 Francis Joseph 5/11/29-1/24/1998 married 2/14/1954 parents of: Mary, Jean, Joseph, Linda, Laurel, Edward, Robert, Paul Anton 1918-1989 Ardella 1921-1959 Leo 4/25/98-10/2/1983 MOUSEL Nickolas 1862-1926 Lena 7/1/63-12/30/1916 MUCHA Kazimierz Lut./13/89-Maja/16/1915 John S 1852-1939 Frances C 1863-1968 Albert S 3/14/55-10/30/1928 Hedwig 5/11/70-4/2/1958 Edward 7/28/06-7/15/1943 Valentine W 9/10/02-1/17/1959 Sophie F 4/10/04-7/19/1999 Anna Carmellia 7/27/02-1/2/1997 Paul A 5/8/96-6/4/1993 Peter John 2/23/94-2/9/1991 Mary Cecelia 1/31/99-10/10/1990 John G 2/8/87-6/9/1977 MUELLER Roxanne T 2/13/52-3/8/1988 (child of John-Therese) Margaret J 4/9/11-7/19/1912 Anton C 8/18/09-6/18/1910 Mathies J 11/24/03-4/18/1919 Theresa 1880-1944 John J 1877-1955 Therese M 1927- John F 1922-1972 married 9/12/1946 MUNSCH M Lorraine 1929- Marvin J 1924-1984 NESIUS David Andrew 2/18/50-1/22/2001 NEUBAUER Rita E 12/18/36- Robert P 3/18/28- parents of: Carrie, Sharon, Dan, Bryan Dorothy 1923- Matthew 1919- Catherine M 1927- Roger H 1922-1995 Evelyn 12/15/50- Roa 5/25/1944 parents of: Peggy, Dawn, Joe, Mike Nickolas John 1881-1969 Monica 1881-1975 Joseph 1/20/18-2/27/1990 Beatrice 11/19/16-12/14/1998 Dale John 7/1948 Henry J 1876-1955 Annie L 1878-1952 James John 9/4/19-10/24/1994 Eleanor M (Whalen) 1923- Kathryn L (Whalen) 1917-1981 Leonard Benjamin 1911-1991 Charles E 6/3/18- Mary A 1888-1965 Matt 1885-1973 Velma Beatrice 1914-1997 Henry J JR 1904-1972 Luke Peter 1888-1925 Catherine Amy 1890-1976 Mary Margaret 1915-1917 Anna 1856-1947 Jacob 1853-1928 NIEBUHR Marcelline Mary 1908-1991 Alfred H 1910-1971 NIEHAUS Agnes 1899-1972 (buried with Sonnek) NOVAK Rosa M 1920- Nickolas 1913- NOWAK Ambros 1930-1994 father of: Steve, Rick, Bob, Sue, Brenda, Tammy, Jodi, Amy Mary R 8/14/14- Andrew Alvin 11/30/09-8/10/1997 Casimer Frank 3/2/94-8/12/1951 Mary R 1896-1990 Ella Balbina 1895-1990 Joseph A 1890-1977 Mercedes A 1929- Raymond A 1923- Dorothy 2/4/15-1/5/1922 Peter 1885-1934 Elizabeth 1850-1922 Jacob 5/26/46-2/20/1910 O'LEARY Joseph A 1913-1989 Dorothy Gladys (Johnson)1921-1996 Peter 1862-1945 Stephen J 1912-1945 (died in Okinawa) Nora 1887-1964 OSDOBA Joseph F 8/25/67-9/20/1916 Wilhelmine 12/2/77-12/31/1961 PARKER Joseph W 3/17/17-8/10/1988 PASHLUK Harry 3/15/89-5/1/1976 Mary 10/26/87-3/18/1959 PAUSEWANG Monica 1898-1984 (wife of George) (buried with Yokiel) PETRUS John 1823-1893 Mary 1832-1909 (grandparents) (buried with Kulla) PIETROK John 1889-1966 Mary 1880-1965 PILACZYNSKI Andrew J 10/4/13-3/22/2002 PITCHER Colette M 1922- Lester R 1916-1976 (buried with Stenzel) POURRIER Sarah Jo 3/24/94-3/27/1994 (chile of Julie-David) PREGLER Joe 2/20/84-12/9/1925 (buried with Kelly) PUSTZ Veronica 1893-1937 Maria 1855-1938 Peter 1883-1959 Mary 1889-1964 Julia 1895-1977 PYZICK Elizabeth D 1905-1955 Anna 1867-1950 Michael 1861-1933 (buried with Charignon) Jan J 5/4/56-4/30/1946 Kunegunda B 2/24/64-2/26/1937 Anton 1909-1928 Julius B 1900-1924 Philip J 1911-1927 Josephine 1870-1965 Jacob 1869-1964 Chester Daniel 8/16/30-4/25/2003 Mary C 1898-1987 John J 1895-1968 Julia A 1910-1972 John L 1896-1970 Joseph John 8/25/07-12/18/1972 QUADE Janice M 7/12/48-11/17/1975 QUINONES Jesus 5/26/05-7/6/1969 RAFFENSPERGER Orris W 3/5/03-2/22/1982 (husband of Agnes Kalis-Kulla) (buried with Kulla) RATHAI Leo 1932-1969 Agnes (Dusza) 1906-1987 Aloysius Ignatius 1902-1992 RAVN Helen F (Geak) 1909-1994 Einer P 1907-1983 REDIG Marian L (Weigel) 12/8/27- Arnold Michael 4/20/27-12/30/1990 married 9/8/1948 parents of: Karen, Michael, Allan, Brian, Dean REDMAN Randy W 6/12/65-11/15/1965 REDMOND Rose M 1889-1983 RESS Frances 1915- Anna 1886-1965 Jacob 1878-1958 Joseph John 6/5/14-5/20/1993 RICKARD Daniel 1868-1926 Mary (no dates) Edna E 1880-1934 James W 1885-1938 John 12/4/62-8/10/1918 ROBERTS Lorraine J (Erb) 9/22/27- (child of Joe-Alice) Bruce E 3/10/24- (son of Dan-Annie) parents of: Barbara, Linda, Bruce JR, Diane (buried with Garver) Ruby M 8/30/37- Jack J 12/14/29- parents of: Michael, Deborah, Susan RONNINGEN Geraldine A (Neubauer) 1/8/42- Richard O 7/14/38-3/4/1997 married 5/8/1965 ROSALES Pedro 1927-1947 RUCKER Janice (Donahue) 12/23/33- Wallace Dale 5/9/30-5/12/2001 married 5/5/1956 parents of: Michael, Matthew, Martha, Margaret, Ned RUFFING Donald L 1/1/32-5/27/1990 Bertha 2/26/70-9/27/1901 (wife of J) Baby (no dates) (last 2 buried with Sweet) Minnie 1864-1933 Jacob 1867-1941 Mary 1865-1945 Veronica 1907- Fred 1904-1978 RUHNOW Agnes A (Schultz) 1903-2002 Carl August 1903-1990 SAAVEDRA Bernardo 1871-1954 SCHEID LaMar 1926-1945 Bernice (Harrington) 1905-1975 Fred 1902-1988 SCHIMER Catherine L 1908- Henry Clemens 1909-2001 married 6/20/1933 parents of: Marlene, George, Maurice, Karen, James, Henry M SCHMIDT Evelyn F 1897-1936 Henry W 7/6/96-10/1/1979 Sophie E 2/24/15- married 11/23/1937 parents of: Patricia, Walbert, Linda, Susan Hedvig 1862-1926 George W 1860-1931 Victoria 1893-1968 Richard 1887-1968 George F 4/4/94-11/13/1969 Gladys M 1883-1941 parents of: Teresa, Virginia, Kenneth, Donald, Herbert SCHRADER May C (Driscoll) 1905-1969 Lester F 1905-1984 SCHRIEBER Adeline M 10/10/23- Donald W 2/10/27-1/12/1994 married 9/19/1943 parents of: Diane, Jenny, Kathy, Natalie, Timothy SCHROEDER Martha M 1910-1984 mother of: Robert, Marvin, Eugene, Adrian (wife of Oscar) MacKenzie Rose 7/1976 (child of Evan-Diane) Kimberlee 1/22/1979 SCHUE Gerald 3/27/23-7/22/1923 (buried with Kalis) SCHULCZ Anna 1863-1942 Joseph E 1855-1940 SCHULENBERG Karen A 9/19/50-1/24/1990 Thomas D 4/16/50- SCHULTZ Corrine L 9/22/39- Roger H 1/10/36- parents of: Matt, Mike, Gina, Sandy, Sandy, Cathy, Pat John F 8/2/83-4/14/1916 Margaret 9/15/90-11/2/1918 Leocadia 12/9/19-10/22/1929 (last 1 buried with Troska) Robert 1933-1934 Anna Dorothy 1902-1990 Gregory 5/9/95-1/19/1971 Alfred Marvin 7/21/31-6/7/1994 James L 6/26/28-2/20/1951 Marilyn A (Kruger) 1941- Quentin Cecil 1938-1987 married 2/9/1961 parents of: Dan, DeeAnn, Jackie, Joe, Scot Mary Cecelia 1897-1992 John A 1893-1978 Phillip A 9/1/23-8/28/1977 Frank S 1901-1980 Mary M 1902-1991 Bernard C 1899-1979 Dolly (Erickson) 4/12/39- (death records show Darlene) Dave Ray 5/30/40-2/27/1999 married 10/22/1960 parents of: Bryan, Brenda, Becki Karen Elizabeth (O'Rourke) 1/31/39-12/31/2000 Bruce Dean 7/10/35-1/4/1992 married 3/22/1958 parents of: Jon, Ken, Jeff, Karrie, Lisa, Jeni Mary C 1893-1964 (sister) Henry J 1901-1996 (brother) Paul T 1888-1972 Nellie A 1892-1960 Andrew P 1887-1961 Julia T 1891-1980 Melvin E 1/29/17-9/27/1954 Lorraine A 8/28/19-4/11/1980 Alexander John 1894-1991 Myrtle Mary 1903-1997 Charles 1941-1948 Valentine G 2/8/95-1/17/1966 Isabel M 10/18/03-10/26/1959 Ferdinand 1891-1982 Amelia 1893-1959 Vincent 1/20/48-9/17/1939 Minnie 2/8/56-1/25/1946 Sharon 1932- James J 1929- John L 1925-1973 Mary F 1891-1966 Paul E 1891-1963 Viola Mae 5/21/13-3/31/1997 Raymond John 3/14/12-2/26/1994 Susan 9/12/62-3/12/1940 John 6/23/53-1/10/1931 Julius 2/13/85-7/5/1901 Henry 2/12/01-3/8/1901 William 3/3/88-10/2/1888 Albert 1860-1914 Veronica 1869-1923 Agnes 1868-1889 Felix Pazd/14/45-Lut/12/1935 Paulina Maja/6/60-Wrzesnia/25/1919 Balbina 3/18/87-6/19/1962 Joseph J 4/12/80-4/6/1967 Peter 1864-1921 Christina 1871-1968 Gertrude 1898-1988 Loretta 1907-1986 Isadore 1902-1992 Carmen 1907-1940 Marjorie A 1938-1961 James 1961 LeRoy B 1934- Mathilda A 1900-1954 Frank P 11/30/96-2/4/1972 Doris M 1914- Anton E 1909-1989 parents of: Donald, Russell, Sharon, Marianne Beatrice S 7/2/15- Peter P 6/29/06-6/5/1997 Thomas Paul 3/23/42-6/16/1966 Sophia C 1899-1970 Paul P 1886-1979 Casimir 1890-1967 Emma 1896-1967 Gerald S 1958-1966 Dale F 1961-1966 Edith E (no dates) Arnold J (no dates) August 8/9/5-7/12/1977 Clara Anna 8/12/97-7/24/1989 Michael J 7/12/27-7/26/1975 Adeline 1923- Benjamin 1893-1972 Julia 1895-1985 Jeffrey 1955-2001 Jeanne 1930- Richard 1925-1995 SCHULZ Walenty Lutego/4/20-Listupada/7/1906 Maryanna Lu/5/29-Wp/18/190? (stone broken) (buried with Stenzel) SCHUSTER Dorothy E 4/5/07- Andrew H 4/26/12-1/23/1997 parents of: Lorraine, Lowell, Albert Baby 2/6/1967 Helen C 1910-2002 Edward William 1902-1989 parents of: Robert, James Betty Lou 4/5/31- Robert Edward 10/30/29-6/29/1997 married 3/30/1948 parents of: Tommy, Donnie, Jean Ann, Cindy Lou SEEDORF Son 3/21/1924 (son of Herman-Catherine) Herman C 7/28/83-5/26/1960 Catherine C 2/13/87-7/1/1962 SEGAR Barbara 1850-1933 Peter 1840-1920 John 12/19/86-4/23/1949 Mary V 1883-1967 Amelia 1908-1997 Thomas 11/30/77-4/11/1909 Marvin E 4/5/25- Francis 3/11/19- parents of: David, Mark, Andrea, Paul, John, Stephanie Peter J 8/19/91-9/22/1938 Agnes F 5/13/83-5/13/1968 Gregory P 5/23/16-1/18/1969 SEIFERT Rose Agnes 10/26/11-12/22/1992 Stanley J 7/14/11- SENDELBACH Louis A 1879-1971 Ketherine 1879-1964 SIGLOWSKI Bernard J JR 1926-1985 Mary Rosella 1896-1984 Bernard 1895-1975 SIMONSON Dorothy Lillian 10/11/33-5/20/2001 SMOLKA Mathias 1853-1941 Julia 1856-1934 SONNEK Ronald J 6/5/48-1/22/1975 (husband of Marlene) (buried with Staloch) John Paul 1910-1978 Mary Anna 1914-1996 Anton F 1908-1956 Patricia C 1935- Brian A 1966-1980 George B 1931- Bernice L 1924- Joseph L 1923- parents of: Roger, Thomas, Terry, Ronald, DeeAnn, Michael Terry J 1957-1976 Barlek 1861-1949 Barbara 1860-1932 Edward 1889-1965 John Leo 2/15/94-2/10/1991 (last 4 buried with Niehaus) Marlene H 1941-1967 Norbert P 1942- Victoria J (no dates) Donald J (no dates) parents of: Larry, Cheryl, Bob, Dennis, Karen Richard Ralph 3/3/53-12/15/1993 Ralph Joseph 1917-1999 Myrtle Martha (Rollenhagen) 1921-1983 Steven R 2/14/45-9/17/1972 (died Viet Nam) Pamela Jean 1/21/63-2/6/1963 David 8/23/1963 Son 1974 (children of George-Pat) Joseph J 1886-1971 Agnes Esther 1892-1997 SPENCER Debra K 1955- (daughter) Robert B 1947-1965 Kathryn D (Meyer) 1929- Bruce Glenn 10/8/26-1/1/1999 STADULSKI John Francis 1857-1948 Mary Martha 1883-1944 Julia Mary 1861-1942 Paul E 10/27/99-9/10/1928 Casper 2/1/90-4/10/1970 John F JR 10/25/87-11/7/1977 Andrew G d 4/20/1996 Michael P 1/14/03-9/18/1994 STALOCH Son 1928 Loretta Cecilia 1907-1991 Lawrence S 10/30/95-8/5/1982 Marlene L 2/28/36- Donald D 10/20/30-6/26/1996 married 7/20/1955 parents of: Debra, Dawn, Darcy Janice 1943- Loretta B 1914- Anthony P 1917-1981 parents of: Marlene, Janice, Clifford, Rosanne, Madonna, Bonnie Verona C 1929- Alex J 1926- married 4/20/1954 parents of: Kathleen, Kevin, Mary, Joan, Marjean, LeAnn Marlene M 11/4/35- (wife of Ronald) (buried with Sonnek) Alfred Norbert 4/11/29-10/26/1988 Roy J 1929- Victoria M (Nowak) 1902-1995 Joseph R 1894-1984 Elaine J 6/26/29- Edmund Edward 11/6/21-11/1/1998 parents of: Mike, Suzanne, Pat, Dan, Jack, Tom Gayle A (Thisius) 7/23/35- Adrian Francis 3/12/32-4/13/1996 parents of: Tom, Jeff, Amy, Nancy John F 1888-1978 Ida A 1892-1963 Carl Peter 11/27/95-3/3/1963 Anna Virginia 1894-1960 Bernard M 1885-1954 Genevieve 1892-1994 Leona 1926-1959 George 1919-1995 Margaret 1920-1952 Monica 1951 Peter 1894-1974 Mary Agnes 1913-1990 Bernice 1/5/40-1/8/1940 Mary A 1882-1968 John A 1879-1959 Minnie M 11/8/1884-8/25/1985 Joseph C 10/27/80-8/14/1966 Selma Louise 1902-1997 Paul August 1894-1968 Julia 1897-1895 Thomas P 11/15/88-9/12/1966 Lorenz 1846-1936 Mary A 1855-191 Jan 3/7/82-10/20/1903 Frank 1844-1901 Susanna 1853-1952 Balbina R 1885-1971 Anna J 1892-1989 John 1841-1923 Susanna 1849-1926 Rose A (no dates) (1 yr, 6 mo) (child of JA) Mary T 1890-1969 Joseph A 1881-1958 Pairlee D 4/6/28-3/17/1998 Jerome S 7/4/22-10/12/2000 married 4/9/1945 Andrew 1888-1961 Clara 1891-1978 Margaret 1918 Christina 1862-1936 Peter P 1865-1950 Ignatius 1890-1935 (last 3 buried with Gohla) STENZEL Electa Mary (Chirpich) 9/8/19-3/5/1995 Francis Joseph 2/3/24-3/6/1995 parents of: Gabriel, Judy, Mark, Christine, Francine Cecelia E (Sonnek) 2/19/01-5/4/1920 (child of Frank-Agnes) (wife of Theodore) married 11/1/1919 Son 4/30/1920 Girl 1958 Cynthia 1954-1955 Vincent 7/19/59-1/29/1923 Johanna 7/19/62-7/27/1946 Evelyn I 12/19/24- Robert F 8/2/26- parents of: Barbara, Elaine, Norbert, Arnold, Gwen Florian Edward 9/2/28-7/24/1990 (son of Paul C-Lucie) Mary Ann (Wussow) 1/29/42- Lawrence John 3/28/37- married 11/12/1962 parents of: Alan, Sandra, John, Michael Leo Casimir 2/15/37-10/18/1992 Rebecca Pauline 1938-1995 married 7/9/1960 Clem 10/16/28- Jean 5/12/30- parents of: Dale, Bradley, Larry Amelia 1905-1985 Alex J 1897-1979 parents of: Clement, Arthur, Daniel, Richard Frank A 9/23/11-3/20/1992 Elsie M 9/2/15- Louis J 1926-1989 Teresa D 1929- parents of: Scott, Nancy Father Eugene F 12/1/39- (priest) Simon Alexander 10/25/06-8/8/1995 Loretta R (Kalis) 3/19/16-4/15/1982 parents of: Janice, Alvin, Eugene, Myron, Thomas Arthur J 1930- Janet C 1930- parents of: Mark, Ronald, Patrick, Mary, Ann Thomas 1863-1937 Mary 1868-1950 Elizabeth M 1879-1943 Leo E 3/22/00-7/5/1971 Agnes M 4/16/07-4/25/1999 Carolee L 1932-2001 Daniel 1929-1968 Cleo A 1917-1995 Andrew P 1907-1961 Balbina 1895-1964 Paul K 1889-1966 married 8/26/1913 Frances 1898-1953 Joseph P 1886-1968 Raymond P 1916-2002 Frances M 1922- married 10/14/1940 parents of: Mary, Bernadette, Mark, Marjorie, Joyce, Bryan, Gregory, Gretchen, Jacqueline Gregory Jude 1958-1960 Vincent L 1924-1952 (last 1 buried with Cooper) John F 4/25/97-1/13/1962 Terrence 12/5/1956 (son of David-Jane) Joseph J 11/7/91-4/8/1967 Lucie E 9/19/02-1/25/1986 Paul C 6/30/03-4/29/1967 Jane F (Bushlack) 1932- David F 1930- parents of: Linden, Terrence Dorothy 1908-1972 Casimir A 1903-1972 Jamie Jon 2/12/73-8/18/1985 (son of Quentin-Donna Pitcher) (brother to: Lori, Jodi, Kevin) (last 1 buried with Pitcher) John 1871-1928 Frances 1875-1945 Roger 1942-1945 Klemens 1915-1919 Mary 1877-1945 Julia Maja/22/37-Serp/20/1902 (last 1 buried with Schulz) Frank 12/6/77-4/6/1941 Mary A Stygznia/30/82-Sierphia/27/1909 Paul Mar/14/30-Stycz/24/1914 STEPUN Aniela 1919-1989 Jon 1914-1981 STUDELSKA Mary R 1884-1981 mother of: Greg, Marce, Dan, Peter, Norbert, Roselin SWEET Anna H 1892-1924 (buried with Ruffing) SWEHLA Gladlys V 1919- Willis E 1908- Allen J 1943-1966 SWENSON Hattie T 1904-1979 Alfred R 1900-1963 Joseph J 1938-1961 Arnold J 1922-1929 TATAREK Julia 1853-1945 Valentine 1854-1937 Helen (Ignaszewski) (no dates) Clarence Valentine 1924-1991 parents of: Carmen, Wendell, Coleen Andrew 1888-1981 Elizabeth Ann 1902-1990 Eugene 1926-1941 Ambrose 1921 Clara 1896-1968 John 1880-1950 TENNIS George 1889-1949 Anna 1898-1986 THEEDE Melanie C 8/28/28-3/23/2001 James H 1/23/29- married 5/24/1951 parents of: Denny, Rick, Deb Irene Marian 1904-1997 Herman 1902-1968 THISIUS Kenneth L 1909-1959 TILLMAN Augusta (Bias) 8/28/82-11/28/1945 (buried with Bias) TILLMONEY Philip H 10/30/58-9/25/1919 Louise T 4/9/60-11/23/1939 TOLZMANN Louise A 1929-1985 Orlen L 1924- TOMCHEK Maria 1843-1892 TORRES Manuela G 1920-1989 Serfin John 9/9/07-7/14/1984 TRAYNOR David L 8/19/63-9/12/1995 Michael R 4/6/70-5/15/1993 (died Persian Gulf) Roslyn 1918- Gregory J 1915-1976 TROSKA Franciska 3/3/68-9/21/1911 Valentin 2/10/61-12/4/1924 (buried with Schultz) Cecilia 1902-1924 John M 1892-1959 Edward 1899-1918 Johanna 1861-1940 Carl 1863-1940 (last 5 buried with Hovde) Martha E 1904-1913 Hattie 9/25/70-2/7/1959 Andrew 11/26/66-3/6/1952 Florence Alvina 1912-1995 Frank 1901-1980 married 11/25/1930 parents of: Raymond, William, Catherine, Robert Joseph T 9/12/96-6/20/1897 (last 1 buried with Yokiel) John 1/11/38-6/10/1902 Julia 12/26/31-10/7/1904 Elizabeth 1907-2003 Andrew J 1896-1978 TSCHOHL John L 5/2/77-12/6/1935 TWEET Nathan Allen 1/23/89-6/5/1989 (son of Bruce-Mary Kurgan) ULRICH Melvin H 1934-1959 UTZKA Barbara 1946- John P JR 1/5/37-11/8/1968 VAN HORN Della Joan 7/9/31-8/6/2001 Arthur N 1/15/26- married 2/20/1950 parents of: Arthur, Pamela, Debra, Robert, Joyce, Nina VELOSKE Paul 1891-1959 John 1885-1954 Father 1855-1929 Mother 1862-1919 Peter 1899-1980 Ignatius 7/26/88-7/19/1963 Johanna 1903-1979 VINT Mary M 1875-1950 John P 1867-1951 Lillian Dorothy 1899-1994 Clement L 1896-1964 VIRNIG Gertrude Anne 9/3/20-3/26/1991 Richard Peter 4/8/15-9/11/1985 Peter William 11/27/41-6/25/1956 (buried with Boyle) VOGEL Marie R 1898-1985 Kenneth T 7/1/95-11/9/1963 Carl (no dates) (death records show death 1979) Caroline 5/31/99-8/28/1960 VOIGT Mike Eugene 11/12/58-10/12/1996 married 11/21/1981 (husband Sue Hassing) father of: Jenny, Jon, Tom WACH Leola A 1909-2002 Herman Joseph 1905-1991 Sadie M 1909-1990 Lawrence J 1902-1978 married 5/12/1926 parents of: Rose, Lewis, Teresa, Karen WALSH Clifford 10/24/06-10/28/1918 Brian 1965-1969 (son of Paul R) WANZEK George H 1/22/20-7/24/1980 Margaret 2/18/20-11/5/1993 married 10/21/1941 parents of: Rose Marie, Richard, Donald, Brian Colette Marcella (Yokiel) 1914-1992 Frank Edward 1914-1991 parents of: Lorraine, Sister Virginia Ann, Joan, William, Dennis Paulina 1885-1942 Frank 1877-1953 Hattie 1913 Andrew 1916 Anthony 1918 Elaine 1927- Norbert 1922- parents of: Fred, Mary Beth, Patricia, Lenore WARMKA Margaret 1879-1965 Bernard J 1880-1960 WEBER Mary Ann (Neubauer) 1/18/16-1/1/1991 John P 12/18/21-10/20/1974 Viola R 1937-1978 Augusta M 1899-1981 Chris J 11/4/92-3/28/1981 Lloyd Peter 1/22/28-2/23/1963 Phyllis 1930- Edward S 9/2/25-12/25/1981 WEITE Fern Catherine 1913-1983 Mary E 1884-1973 Silas F 1885-1954 WELSH Elsie E (Young) 1908-1932 (buried with Young) WENTHOLD Bernard H 1876-1937 Agnes M 1876-1965 William A 1901-1956 Elizabeth T 1910-1995 Kathleen d 1953 WESTRUM Maxine (Schultz) 3/14/23- Lynn Rand 2/20/23- married 6/4/1946 parents of: Bob, Chuck WHALEN Clara M 1920- Francis J 6/16/15-9/15/1980 married 4/9/1940 parents of: Jean, Terry, Rich, Paul WIEWEL Philomena MD 1885-1984 WILDER Frederick 1883-1975 Mary 1883-1931 Mary 2/2/24- Clement 2/24/21- parents of: Joy, Larry, Chuck, Ron, Ken, Dave, Tim, Kathy Joyce 2/6/48- Helen 1915-1964 LeRoy 1911-1985 Eugene Herman 1917-1989 Victoria (Dulas) 1918- Marlene Ann 1940-1952 Geraldine 1926- Francis 1926- married 9/26/1981 Alfred H 8/3/15-7/18/1992 Marian J 10/25/19- Raymond J 11/24/19-8/20/1970 Loretta Frances 1895-1993 William 1895-1981 Anthony Billy 1932-1933 WISNORSKI Adam 12/24/91-3/29/1969 YAINSKE Alice 11/23/24- Philip 8/25/23- John 1889-1964 Elizabeth 1894-1968 Marvin 1934-1957 Romuald J 1/26/22-9/7/1987 Felix 1883-1894 Joseph 1885-1962 Richard 1887-1954 John 5/7/39-2/12/1911 Paulina 4/18/61-1/27/1932 YOKIEL Joseph 8/10/56-12/14/1943 Mary 8/4/61-10/2/1927 Hedgwige 1890-1982 (buried with Pausewang) Regina 1895-1987 Ingatius 1893-1959 Frances L 1926-1929 Mary 1922 Leona P 8/2/41- George A 3/8/40-2/25/2003 parents of: Anita, Gary, Sandra, Mark, Kathleen Helen A 1912- Clement 1911-2002 Janet C 8/30/27- James L 5/4/24- married 9/30/1947 parents of: Norma, Joyce, Gregory, Carleen, Orland, Juanita, Audrey Valentine C 2/6/96-10/24/1977 Eleanor V 1909-1984 John 1883-1956 Mary 1885-1961 Iva G 1914-2001 Phillip P 1906-1968 Ann 1911- Martin A 1901-1968 Frank 1885-1892 Katherine 1848-1918 Thomas 1842-1924 (last 3 buried with Troska) Franz 9/29/45-2/13/1900 Julia 12/29/57-2/5/1935 YOUNG Alvina 1878-1946 Leo C 1906-1995 (buried with Welsh) Cecelia A 11/28/18- mother of: Daniel R, Carol (last 1 buried with Hodge) Petronella C 1908-2002 Jesse E 1904-1971 ZEBRO Lowell Robert 10/27/33-4/4/1993 Janice M (Stenzel) 12/8/42- married 9/11/1968 parents of: Robert, Daniel, Matthew, Julie ZIMNEY Aloysius A 6/21/97-5/11/1976 Julia G 5/20/94-5/28/1962 ZYGO Paul 6/27/77-7/20/1957 Suzanna 4/20/34-6/12/1922 Carl 10/29/30-9/28/1916