WEST LUTHERAN CEMETERY Transcription done by Diane Oldfather in 2003. ============================================ Follow Cty Rd 15 N of Delavan to Cty Rd 18. Go straight ahead on the gravel to Twp Rd 110. Turn left and it is on the right side of the road. It is in Section 2 of Delavan Township. It stands next to the West Lutheran Church, which is no longer in use. I found several stones, which I believe are the old footstones, laying flat on the ground. The ones I could read had either nothing on them, or just the names. Most of them were blank though. ANDERSON LaVerna 1903-1960 Elmer 1887-1960 Anund 1861-1932 Sigre 1862-1924 Ole 3/24/57-6/18/1889 (last 1 buried with Borgos) Alfred 1910-1982 Ruth Emma (Hawker) 1915-2000 Anna (Johnson) 1874-1910 G.K. 1865-1932 Alfred Jerry 6/14/43-1/10/2001 Judy L 12/5/47- Even (no dates) Anna (no dates) Evan (no dates) ASLESON Elizabeth 8/1/71-9/30/1898 (wife of Jacob) Jacob 1863-1938 AUNE Father 1820-1892 Mother 1836-1917 BORGOS Mignon E (Taylor) 1903-1995 John Kasper 1893-1974 John J 11/8/28-2/24/1911 Anna 11/9/45-6/21/1922 Kasper 8/29/55-1/21/1912 Sophia (Anderson) 1861-1941 (last 2 buried with Anderson) BROE Hulda Rekarda Emelia 4/14/88-10/30/1892 Martin Alfred 10/3/55-10/23/1893 BROUTIE Ingelief 1866-1943 (buried with Healey) BUGTON Ole 1863-1925 Edward 1875-1902 Ole (no dates) BUK Iver E (no dates) Marit E (no dates) DOCKEN Nels Leonard 11/19/86-2/26/1903 DOUGLAS Loretta 10/2/13- Amelia 1886-1943 Erastus 1872-1963 Freda M (Nemitz) 8/20/16-3/3/1990 James Truman 5/1/12-3/22/2001 Baby 9/20/1923 EVENSON E.K. 12/5/74-10/28/1901 FRYE Larry L 8/10/43-3/25/1989 GROTHE Thilda 1883-1971 Andrew 1875-1965 Florence D 1914-1999 Nettie Eliza 1898-1979 Hannah 1870-1967 Nels 1870-1958 Myron A 1914-1916 GUNDERSON Carl E 1899-1992 Ludvig 1889-1975 Carrie (Kasperson) 1/13/92-12/14/1922 (wife of Ludvig) Olaf 1906-1927 Liv G Aaret/1/29-Juni/15/1900 (wife of G) Gunder 1881-1967 Caroline 1884-1965 HAHN Edith 1889-1937 Edward 1887-1958 HALVERSEN Halver 6/22/61-4/3/1891 HALVERSON Andrew 1887-1967 (son) Amanda 1889-1951 (daughter) Bertha 1862-1942 Thosten 9/2/39-2/5/1904 Aasne 11/20/42-1/4/1927 Helmer 8/24/85-2/12/1901 (son of H-B) Robert Elven 1893-1895 Johanna 1850-1902 Johannes 1837-1923 HANSEN C Juan 1896-1967 Theresa S 1896-1955 Ignatius B 1898-1940 Henry H 1865-1926 Josephine M 1864-1936 Halvor 12/1/27-12/4/1909 Julia 1831-1918 Hiram E 1888-1930 Emelia 1887-1953 HAROLDSON Julian 1930-1931 Julia 1906-1931 HEALEY Rhoda 1855-1951 (buried with Broutie) HEPPNER Harriet 1917- Alvin 4/5/17-6/17/1993 parents of: Richard, Betsy, Tom HICKS William L 6/20/1963 (son of George-Donna) HOLT Hannah G 1878-1971 Anton M 1876-1936 Alba K (no dates) HUMMEL Sylvester 2/9/83-5/28/1907 JENSEN Karren 4/16/26-5/19/1898 (wife of Ole) JOHNSON Lawrence J d 5/2/1910 (child of A) Halvor d 1865 (15 weeks) Bertha 1893-1990 J Chris 1887-1934 JORDET Ruth Gen 1916-1996 John 1915-1990 parents of: Kermit Kirsten 1875-1949 Hans 1868-1923 KASPERSON Agnes Bergina 1897-1982 Joseph H 1894-1965 married 5/4/1917 Louise 1898-1986 Oliver 10/8/89-8/16/1965 Orville Grant 7/15/18-1/18/2001 (buried with Whitney) Bertha 1864-1930 John 1860-1934 KELLY Stella 6/7/96-11/10/1984 LANGEN Peder T 12/8/64-9/21/1882 LEWIS Sophia (no dates) LIEN Shirley O 7/10/17- Richard W 10/2/19-3/5/1990 Joan B 11/10/31- Warren F 11/20/24-8/4/1987 Hazel B 1890-1966 Bernard 1889-1966 Lillian M 1907-2002 Orin B 1901-1975 Maggie 1885-1971 Henry 1880-1954 Lloyd S 1912-1993 Nora J 1916-1962 Bernida (Schubbe) 1917- (wife of Lloyd) Peter B 1865-1936 Maria 1868-1946 Anton H 1867-1945 Gurine 1869-1947 Jones B 1859-1938 Ole J 1847-1931 Guri E 1846-1933 William V 1884-1946 Oliver G 1882-1953 Sena N 1891-1968 Adolph J 1875-1936 Anna G 1886-1956 Bendt J 1835-1922 Johanna 6/10/32-5/10/1911 Thomas J 1867-1933 Alfred J 2/15/77-9/1/1915 Carl 9/10/87-12/29/1890 Sigri (Norskog) 9/12/43-2/25/1923 Johannes 7/1/38-6/9/1889 Carl 3/10/85-8/10/1885 Johanna E 12/4/69-2/16/1901 Emma 1/25/91-1/14/1916 Bertha 2/28/61-2/28/1898 Joseph 1885 Gustau A 1891-1973 Ellef J 9/29/40-2/10/1912 Anne 1/3/51-12/31/1932 Frederick d 10/24/1908 (9 day) Thorstein d 7/22/191 (8 day) (last 2 sons of Thron- Carrie) Eva 2/2/05-3/21/1889 (wife of Johannes P) Laura A d 1906 Laura P 8/4/88-1/27/1904 (both children of EJ-A) Johannes Adof 12/10/72-7/29/1874 Oline 1873-1930 LOKENSGAARD Severt 5/23/76-8/3/1907 Knudt 1831-1914 Birgit 1835-1930 Ole K 1865-1938 Caroline 1872-1917 LOKENSGARD Merland 10/13/29-12/3/1998 Doreen 1935-1970 Mavis 1908-1974 Carl 1902-1973 (buried with Sonquist) LOKKE Hendrika 12/24/35-9/25/1881 LOKKEN John Reynold 9/25/25-10/8/1947 MAKELAND Henry J Hans 3/24/63-3/27/1916 Jorgen Hansen 1824-1911 Guri 1829-1903 Inga 1871-1883 MEGAW Raphueal 1907-1993 Laila (Solie) 1908-1975 NERISON Daniel (no dates) NESSE Ole O 9/5/29-8/12/1906 Olina 1864-1941 Hans 1859-1942 NESSET Ole J 1857-1939 Jens J 1859-1942 Ingeborg (Olson) 12/14/67-10/19/1891 Glen (no dates) Mirton B (no dates) NESSETT Albert J 1875-1938 Anna 1868-1954 Irvin W 1896-1967 Anna 1874-1952 (last 1 buried with Wagner) Bertha 1834-1927 Jens E 1827-1915 NORLINGER John 1874-1937 Gunhild 1875-1960 John 8/10/37-9/6/1903 Henry 4/15/93-6/5/1893 Magnild 1850-1916 OLESON Carrie 6/13/33-4/6/1896 OLSON Olaf B 4/9/85-7/2/1937 Alma E 6//7/1884-11/2/1984 Charles N 1872-1944 Gilbert 1878-1936 Barbara 1841-1918 Ole T 1845-1924 Neri (no dates) OSMUNDSON Bess 1893-1963 Helen (Evenson) 7/24/72-12/25/1910 (wife of OE) Gertie Gerella 6/3/10-5/3/1911 Anna (Vold) 12/26/84-9/8/1913 (wife of Marcus) Easton 1836-1923 Aase 1839-1891 PEDERSON Ole 1863-1939 PETERSEN Turine 8/21/64-4/24/1884 (wife of M) PETERSON Ben P 1868-1954 Anna S 1891-1928 PETTERSON Anna (no dates) Peter (no dates) POLLEI Donald R 7/31/42-6/27/1995 Judith K 11/6/44- married 8/26/1967 PRYTZ Thea 1869-1958 Andrew 1855-1926 George H 1/6/94-8/30/1910 REINERTSON Hilma 1886-1961 Christian 1882-1956 RORMAN Jeffrey Jay 9/12/65-1/18/1997 (son of Harold E Rorman- Mary A Lien) RUE Ruth H 1895-1981 Peter 1892-1958 John E 1924-1977 Rhody 1860-1954 John 1857-1933 Sadie 1881-1977 Knute 1890-1944 Beatrice 1/3/17-11/12/1986 Sherman 2/19/01-3/7/1941 RUGTVEDT Gjermund O 11/30/23-2/18/1880 Rande 12/29/27-8/13/1898 SIMONDSON Sarah d 8/29/1875 (12 yr, 8 mo, 14 day) (child of A-T) SKARE Sigri (no dates) SKARI Ragna 1883-1973 Iver 1872-1947 SNYDER Joann (Lien) 1934-1996 (child of Orin-Lillian) SOLIE Hannah G 1877-1966 Thorbjorn S 1870-1940 Theodore Stanley 1917-1936 Ole 1864-1945 Robert S 2/22/07-1/20/1995 Bernice A 2/29/16- married 9/28/1937 parents of: Richard R, Donald W SONQUIST RaVae (Lokensgard) 1941-1999 (buried with Lokensgard) STUDNESS Elizabeth 1906-1977 Thomas 1889-1954 Henning 1858-1926 Erland 1844-1906 Marit 1852-1942 THOMPSON Andrew 1850-1931 Sophia 1862-1921 Martin Olavus 10/23/81-8/12/1888 (son of T-Marie) Mikkel (no dates) THORSON Annie 9/20/25-6/2/1909 Ole 2/24/19-8/12/1900 THORSTENSON Gro 1824-1904 Bryon 1808-1884 Margret 1859-1912 Thorston 1853-1924 TOFT Andrienne M 1915- Orville N 8/2/10-10/11/1962 TOLLAFSON Anne 11/2/09-12/22/1892 (wife of Halvor) TOLLEFSON Halvor (no dates) TRIBE Selma W 1889-1936 (wife of JL) VOLD Ole B 9/1835-8/28/1902 Marit 1833-1923 Thora d 1917 WAGNER Helen L (Nessett) 1871-1962 (buried with Nessett) WHITNEY Evelyn M (Kasperson) 1923- Walter S 1923-1998 married 3/13/1943 parents of: Dennis, Pam, Bruce (buried with Kasperson) WICK Spenser Alan 12/3/1985 David E 3/11/27- Kathleen L 10/25/40- parents of: Deborah, David, Dennis WISLEY Elsie S 6/29/57-12/25/1898 Lars H 9/11/45-4/20/1901 Leaf 11/6/56-6/12/1890 Halvor L 11/14/07-11/7/1901 Astri 3/25/17-7/28/1911 Anne 5/12/65-3/15/1869 WOOD Mary Jane 7/2/27- Howard L 1/15/28- Lillian B 1906-1974 Henry F 1905-1982 Henry Fredrick 1926-1931 WROOLIE Ester Louise 8/28/03-9/27/1902 Josephine 1880-1956 Simon T 1870-1960 Anton T 5/17/93-8/24/1903 (son of OT-A) Annie M 1874-1936 Ole T 1854-1922 Aase 5/8/24-12/10/1881 Svend Simonson 12/24/18-11/13/1897 Son d 11/11/1881 (son of T-V) Karl 1886-1967 Katherine 1867-1875 Targes S 3/11/30-12/15/1910 Aase 6/5/31-10/27/1913 Ole M (no dates) S.T. (no dates) S.M. (no dates)